The league of villains set about cleaning her room and making her bed preparing for her inevitable crash when she got home.

Meanwhile, Noriko had stopped at a popular pizza place that had been recommended to her during lunch yesterday. She wanted to surprise her comrades with making them dinner but was far too tired for that so she opted for buying out and making it a secret.

But as always purchasing things was a hassle for the toddler sized teenager. "Hello sweetie, where's your mother? Did you get separated?" the lady at the counter said peering down at her while also looking around the small parlor for someone who could be the parent of the small girl.

"Um no..." there was a reason she usually brought her villainous friends. They were tall. They looked like they could be out buying things and overall doing things that people under five should not be doing or shouldn't be able to do. "I came here on my own..." she didn't like explaining things or telling people they were wrong it made her feel rude. Being rude was Shigarakis specialty. She might go around killing heroes but she never actually said anything to them in a way that caused conversation, it was just a statement and then they were dead.

"Oh my is that a U.A. uniform?" exclaimed the worker.


"Could you be a high schooler?"

"Yes...again" Noriko mentally thanked the fact that U.A.'s uniform was so recognizable. It truly saved her here.

"That would mean you came looking for a pizza by yourself"


"What size and toppings would you like then deary"

"Large, half with pepperoni and half just cheese, please" unlike many would think the league was pretty tame when it came to pizza, to avoid any conflict pepperoni and cheese was always the choice. They tried a ham pizza once but it turned into a war of pineapple versus no pineapple between Dabi and Shigaraki and then Toga jumping in with an obscure fact about another country commonly putting bananas on their pizza which made Shigaraki have a mental breakdown. That was a day that most of them tried to forget.

Fifteen minutes passed while the kitchen prepared her pizza, she just sat at the bar with her phone in hand looking through all of the photo's she had with her parents. She hadn't seen them in a while since they were busy and she didn't want to disturb them by calling.

Just as she was thinking about them and calling in general, her phone started playing the sherlock holmes theme indicating her dad was calling. She answered immediately.

"Hey dad!"

"Hi baby girl! Did you get into a high school you wanted?"

"Un, I got into U.A. I was first in the entrance exams, all thanks to you!" she was smiling ear to ear just hearing the man's voice brought up so many fond memories of her childhood that she nearly couldn't bear it.

"Wow! That's so impressive! Well done, I am very proud and will be sure to look for you doing the sports festival, I will point you out to all of my coworkers and say 'that's my daughter, she's gonna be a hero someday'" she started smiling even more if that was even possible

"Pizza for Noriko Sachiko!" a pizza worker called out pulling her attention away from her phone call, she wanted to multitask and keep talking while holding the pizza but the inability to do so was also one of the consequences of being vertically challenged.

"I gotta go dad, I was getting pizza for me and my friend when you called and I'm still not tall enough to carry the pizza and a phone at the same time"

"Awe are you sure? Do you want to try it and make sure?" her father was upset at the idea of finishing the call after not talking in so long.

"I'm sure, no I don't want to try I will just drop the pizza again and waste it~, I will call you again later, now Toga is waiting for me to return with this yummy cheese pizza so I better get back to her house before it gets cold or she starts looking for me, whichever happens first" she waited for her dad to say his goodbyes before going up to the counter and taking her already paid for pizza and pushing her way out the door.

Noriko was very late, she should have been back at the bar twenty minutes ago. They knew because they had timed how long it took for her to get home yesterday. All four of the villains started to get their outdoor clothes on in preparation for going to find her in case she was picked up by the police, be it because they thought she was a lost child or because they somehow found out she was the villain they apparently dubbed 'beheading'.

This exploit was brought to an end when she pushed the door open yelling "I'M HOME AND I BROUGHT DINNER!" the scent of pizza filling the bar and alerting the people in it just what 'dinner' was and why she was so late.

"KOKO YOU'RE HOME!" Toga bounded over to the girl and lifted the pizza from her small arms and put the greasy box onto Kurogiri's spotless countertop. The look of disgust was clear on his non-solid face and anyone could have seen it even if they didn't know him.

"HIMIKO TOGA" he boomed "TAKE THAT GREASY FILTH OFF OF MY BAR" Kurogiri had nothing against pizza and in fact quite liked it, but it was ruining his bar and that was something he simply couldn't stand for.

"Hehehe sorry Giri... forgive me?" Toga questioned hopefully, lifting the pizza box off he now dirtied bar and handing it to a waiting Dabi who had finally gotten up and off the couch. Kurogiri continued to look at her disapprovingly but didn't say anything and he didn't attack her so she assumed she was safe.

"Koko are you gonna eat the pizza with us or are ya gonna go to sleep?" Toga asked her friend.

"I'm not sure yet..."

"I got a movie so we could watch that while eating the pizza!" she proposes excitedly.

"Yeah, let's do it" Noriko then walks over to the couch in the common room taking her place in the middle and waiting for the rest of her companions to join her. They all climbed on with her in front of their large television settling in a way that they had easy access to the pizza and each other. Kurogiri had grabbed a stack of paper plates from a cabinet, he didn't like the grease from the pizza touching his pristine dishes, and the chances that Toga would drop and break something during a movie night was one hundred percent. 

A.N. I have the next chapter written and I'm working on the one after it because it is a two-part chapter so I want to post them at the same time so I will probably post that tonight or tomorrow because I am super excited about it and I am currently in my flex block at school so I have an hour to work on it. Hope you liked this chapter and have a good day, BYE!

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