no.12 "ooo your quite the big spender"

14 4 2

|Matthew · Quinn|

- = - = - = -

"Well someone dressed up for
the occasion."

"Oh please."

"Aw don't pretend you
normally dress like that. It
looks like tumblr puked on


"Well thats a way to put it!"
*rolls eyes*

"In all seriousness you look
great. Ready to listen to some
intellectual music?"

"Oh yes. I listened to their new
album and honesty ... its not

"Good to hear."


"So. Quinn.
Are you prepared for
your first ever concert"

"Yes Mathew. I believe so."

"Good I'm going to give you
the full experience."

"Mhm. Which is?"

"Buying overpriced water
from venders on the street and
accompanying it with an
equally overpriced t shirt."

"Ooo. Your quite the big


"In all seriousness don't buy
me anything."


"I just don't like it when people
buy me stuff. I feel obligated
to pay them back some how."

"Not to worry my dear friend
you already payed off
your debt by being my friend,
going to pretentious cafes
with me, joining the poetry club,
and of course coming to the
concert with me. You've done enough."

"... well when you put it
like that."
"Okay I give you permission
to waste your perfectly
good money on me."



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