no.9 "i think im slowly turing into you."

27 5 1

|Matthew · Quinn|

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"I hate you for making
me do this."

"Hate is a strong

"Im aware."



"Were these the types
of people you were
expecting to be in the
poetry club?"

"Most defiantly."

"Well we have time
to spare before the
meeting officaly starts."

"What do we even do

"Write poetry, read poetry,
talk about poetry. It is the
poetry club after all."

"But I can't write

"I can teach you."


"Looking forward to it."

"You should be."

"Can we at least go
get something to eat
after this?"

"Of course."

"Your paying."

"What? Why?"

"You're making me join
the poetry club so I think
it's fair."

"Ok fine."

"Thank you. Its deeply

"Feels good to be
deeply appreciated
once and a while."


"Where do you want
go after this."

"Uh I don't know."

"How bout the cafe?"


"Oh my god. Quinn for
once has actually agreed
to go to Kiano's Cafe! It's a

"The cafe has grown
on me."


"I think the club meeting
is starting now."

"Looks like it."

- = - = - = -



"How did you like the

"I don't know much
about poetry so it
wasn't really exciting."

"Fair enough."

"So are we going to

"You betcha."

"I think I'm slowly turning
into you."

"So you're improving?"

"Yeah sure."

"See we both have positive
infulences on each other's

"That's a bit dramatic."

"I'm an artist. What do
you expect?"

- = - = - = -

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