Fusion Wars Chapter 1

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See Episode "Quest for Knowledge" For Prelude

Last time on Mighty Magiswords...

The class of the Adventure Academy have defeated the traitorous Glori and retrieved the Knowledge Magisword from her possession.

Glori watching Vambre and Prohyas from inside the Detention room: I'll show you who's the wannabe! I'll outdo you, if it's the last thing I outdo! (Kicks chair and gets startled by monster) ! (Runs away) WAAGH!

Cattus flies into the wall against his back and looks at his 1st place trophy.

Cattus with glee: I won!

Glori keeps running from the griffin, eventually hiding in a random closet in the hallway after it smashed the classroom door down. Glori fearfully crouches behind the equipment in the room, noticing that the light inside is still turned on.

Glori turning off the lights: If that monster sees me, it's lights out, literally for me. (Hatches an idea) Wait. Lights out! Vambre and Prohyas will eventually have to rest, and I know just where they live. And when I get there, I'll snatch all the Magiswords and return them here! The school can thank me later, but I'll at least have enough Magiswords to outdo their own! (Somehow, lightning bolts start booming above her) HAHAHA! HAAAHAHAHAA! HAAHAA- (Hears chirping)

Glori looks down beneath her and picks up a cracked egg with a bird that has "Idea" written on its wings.

Glori: I'm not even gonna question it. (Grins) Just accept it.

Outside the game field, Cattus meets Familiar, Bimm, Vambre, and Prohyas while they carry the many confiscated Magiswords with the Knowledge Magisword.

Cattus: It is great to have company with you two.

Bimm: Yeah. We don't really have anything else to do today.

Familiar: I kinda like to go with the flow until something happens. We just fought that Glori chick, and I'm starting to remember back when Vambre and Prohyas kept messing up in class.

Cattus: That we know of. But they earned that Magisword and proved us wrong earlier. It unfortunately doesn't have what we desired, but it did help us learn from each other while searching for it. I believe there's value in that more than what the Knowledge Magisword could do.

Bimm looking at Cattus with a very beautiful and shy expression: Well, considering what it does, I guess you're right about that. I really enjoyed being with you guys again...

Both Bimm and Cattus give a bonding stare at each other for what feels like an hour while Familiar waves his hand between them trying to get their attention.

Familiar examining Bimm and Cattus: Ok. Established shipping, confirmed. (Grins) Not that I have a problem with that.

Vambre: Congratulations on your victory, Cattus!

Cattus out of his stare holding his trophy: Oh, why, thank you! I've really prepared for a day like this to- (Sees all the Magiswords) Hey, are those the Magiswords from Cyrus' classroom?

Prohyas: Oh yeah. We used the Knowledge Magisword to get them from Bunky.

Bimm: Isn't that stealing?

Prohyas: Yes. But let's put it this way. We're simply, taking, back what was used before. After all, they were technically stolen from us. Riiight, sis?

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