Ashley: you have a bucket list haha loser

Tyler: wth I do too

Ashley: ahaha loser again

Tyler: every time I enter this group chat I get attacked

Josh: Ashley stop attacking my friend

Ashley: fine

Josh: Ty and I made bucket lists with stuff we wanna do before he leaves for college

Tyler: yeah we got tatted last night




Josh laughed and heard his bagel pop up. He spread cream cheese on each side before taking a bite. He heard a bark and set his food back on the plate he had gotten earlier, making his way into the house to let Jim in.

The golden retriever bolted through the door and ran around the room a few times before jumping on Josh's bare leg (he was only wearing boxers and a shirt). Josh caught him before he could do any damage with his nails and scratched Jim's belly. "You wanna throw a party with me, boy?"

Jim just cocked his head to the side. The red haired man laughed and shook his head, letting Jim hop down. He ran into the living room and laid on the couch.

Josh went back to eating his bagel and unlocked his phone again, going back to the group chat.

Ashley: JOSH

Hayley: JOSH

Sarah: JOSH

Jenna: JOSH

Tyler: you guys are so fucking annoying

Josh: what the hell do you want I was petting my dog

Sarah: who the fuck are you getting all these new things not fair

Hayley: yeah you got a dog AND a tattoo that's illegal that means you have to give Finn to me since you can't get rid of your tattoo

Josh: for the last time his name isn't Finn stop cALLING HIM THAT

Josh: besides it was my birthday?? they're called presents??

Jenna: J will you send us a picture of your tattoo Tyler refuses

Josh: come to my party tonight at 9 and you'll see it xoxo

Jenna: dammit

Josh: you guys ARE coming right

Ashley: hell yeah but you have no idea how to plan a party I'll be over in thirty minutes

Hayley: me too I wanna help

Josh: make it an hour so I can shower

Ashley: no

Ashley: we'll just play with Finn while you shower

Josh: fine

Tyler: I'll be there my parents are gonna be working all night and I fucking hate my siblings whip

Sarah: whipping away the feelings me too 😔👊🏻 especially since I got cheated on 😪👊🏻

Josh: Sarah...

Sarah: it's fine ig. it's been a couple weeks I'm over it. he's just an asshole and I'm glad I figured it out before we got any more serious

Jenna: go Sarah ily

Sarah: ily more

Josh: cute

Josh: are you coming though

Jenna: yes

Sarah: yes ma'am

Josh: okay cool see you hoes then I'm gonna go finish my bagel and then hide my dog

Josh set his phone down with a soft smile on his face. Brendon may have been a dickhead and the other three may be distancing themselves but at least he had other friends who still cared about him. They were going to help him host an amazing party.

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