9. Party

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Josh and Tyler were laying in Tyler's bed, staring at the ceiling out of boredom.

"I'm sooooo bored," Josh huffed, voicing his thoughts.

"Me too," Tyler nodded subtly, even though Josh couldn't see it.

As if the world was hearing their complaints, Josh's phone rang signaling an incoming FaceTime call from Pete.

The red haired man answered it and held it up for both him and Tyler to see.

"Hey!" The blonde grinned from where he sat in what Josh knew was his room.

"Hey," the two mumbled back in unison.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Pete questioned, holding a Juul to his mouth.

"God dammit Pete if you're gonna vape just fuckin smoke cigarettes," Josh rolled his eyes.

"Suck a dick," he replied, blowing smoke towards the camera.

"Why did you call us if you're just gonna smoke and harass us?" Tyler joked.

"My parents are leaving this weekend to go fuck in some hotel a few towns away and I'm having a party. You two losers better show up."

"We always do," Josh sighed. "Is everyone else gonna be there?"

"Nope," he shook his head. "Sarah can't make it. She'll be at her aunts. But everyone else said they'd come."

"I guess we'll be there," Josh glanced at his friend lying next to him. "You down, Ty?"

"I guess. Who'll drive you home if I'm not there?"

"Exactly," Josh grinned.


When the two walked into Pete's house Saturday night, it looked exactly how it did every time he threw a party. Josh didn't know half the people there but he could easily make out some of their friends. Ashley and Hayley were sitting on the couch, talking and laughing as they passed a blunt back and forth. Pete was talking to a few people Josh didn't recognize, his arm draped across Meagan's shoulder. Jenna stood by them, looking uncomfortable.

"Hey, I'm gonna go talk to Jenna," Tyler looked at Josh. "She looks lonely."

"Understandable, chief," Josh saluted. "I'm gonna go get a drink. Meet back here in 5?"

"Mhm," Tyler replied heading towards their friend. Josh noticed her face go from uneasiness to happiness as Tyler approached. He laughed lightly to himself before going into the kitchen.

He walked in and grabbed one of the beers out of the cooler. Noticing a bottle opener on the counter, he grabbed it and opened the drink.

"Fancy seeing you here," Josh jumped ever so slightly and turned around, being met with a familiar blonde sitting on the counter, drink in one hand and her phone in the other.

"Hey," he smiled lazily at her.

"Hey," Debby replied. "Come sit with me," she pat the spot on the counter next to her. Josh obliged and hopped up on the platform.

"What're you doing here?" Josh asked, taking a sip from the bottle he held.

"One of my friends graduated from your school last year and is acquainted with Pete."

"Who's your friend?"


"Huh. I don't know her."

"Most people don't," she chuckled. "She didn't talk to many people from your school."

"Wait how old are you?" Josh asked.

"Just turned 19 a few weeks ago. I graduated from Walker High last year and I'm taking classes at the community college for a few years before I move away and attend a real college. You?"

"I turn 18 on June 18th," he smiled at her. "Just graduated."

"So it's your golden birthday," Debby quirked an eyebrow.

"What the fuck is a golden birthday?" Josh laughed out.

Debby laughed as well. "How do you not know what a golden birthday is? It's the year where your age and birth date match up. So in a few weeks it'll be your golden birthday. 18 on the 18th," she explained.

Josh just chuckled some more. "Why do you know this?"

"Why do you not?"

"Touché," he replied, taking a sip of his drink. "What do you wanna major in?"

"Truthfully," she sighed. "I wanna move to LA and pursue acting but my parents don't think that'll get me very far so I'm studying to be a marine biologist as of now."

"That's cool," Josh smiled at her.

"What about you? Do you have your life figured out yet?"

"Nope. I'm spending a year at home so kind of get my shit together... get a job... save up money— the whole shebang. I don't have a college in mind or even a major so I decided to see where I'm at in a few months and go from there. My friend is going to Princeton for psychology and damn am I proud of him."

"Is he the one who came to skydive with you?"

"Yeah. Tyler."

"Right... Tyler," Debby nodded. Josh noticed her glance at her drink, seeing it was empty. She was about to go get another but Josh hopped off the counter and grabbed them each a beer since his was gone too. He opened them as well and brought them back over. "Thanks," she smiled and took it from him before holding it to her lips, letting it flow into her mouth.

"Of course," he raised his bottle slightly before taking a drink himself. When he was done he watched Debby set hers on the counter, grabbing Josh's and setting his there too.

Slowly, she started to lean in and Josh let her. He didn't know if it was the alcohol seeping into his veins or if it was his hormonal teen body or even a mixture of the two but he leaned in as well and their lips met. It started out as a gentle kiss but then quickly got heated as Josh deepened it. They pulled apart for air. "Is this okay?" Debby quickly asked. Josh nodded just as quickly before they connected again.

They continued to kiss for a few more seconds as Josh's hand slowly moved up Debby's thigh. "Is this okay?" He asked in between breaths.

"Yeah," she replied, nodding vigorously just like Josh had before. When their lips touched again, Josh felt Debby's manicured fingers run through his hair and the other hand was perched on his waist.

Then ever so slowly, her hand moved to his crotch region. "Alright?" Debby asked.

Josh let out an ever so quite moan causing Debby to giggle and kiss him harder. "Legs," he whispered gruffly I'm her ear. She knew exactly what he meant as she wrapped her legs around his waist. They connected their lips once more before Debby untangled her hand from his hair.

"Let's go somewhere," she suggested quietly. Josh didn't need to be told twice. He lifted her off the counter and held her hand and they headed towards the hallway to the guest bedroom in Pete's house. Their endorphins were rushing and Josh could hear the blood pumping his ears.

Once they were by the door, Debby pressed him against the wall and reconnected their lips. Her hand drifted downwards again and Josh let out another sound of pleasure.

He fumbled with the door handle and walked Debby off of the wall, lips still joined. He turned them around and walked into the room, pushing the door open.

"Fuck!" A voice yelled when the two entered. Josh and Debby quickly pulled apart and the former's eyes widened.

Josh was shocked with the view in front of him.

There stood Dallon, pants down with Brendon on his knees, wiping his mouth.

"Holy shit..." Josh whispered.

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