Chapter thirty seven

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Thor ascended the steps slow, wary of the eyes trained on him, from behind and in front.

"Your throne," Valkyrie's smile was uncountable, genuine and proud, especially so as Thor took his seat in the throne of Asgard.

Thor was king. And he was loved by all.

At his sides, were his advisors, and those close to him- Heimdall, Brunnhilde, the Hulk, Korg. Even Loki came, standing at his side like the prince he was, back in his Sakaarian garb, colour back in his cheeks and muscle on his bones. He looked strong, healthy, happy- all of them did, despite everything they'd been through.

"So, King of Asgard..." Heimdall started, Thor looking back over his shoulder at the people, his people, united with him, despite all the horrors they'd experienced, having lost friends and family, and their homes. He waved to them, over his shoulder, and Loki was unable to suppress the small smile that curled the corners of his lips upwards.

Heimdall, eyes forwards, asked a simple question. A heavy one. "Where to?"

Thor looked to him, then to his side where Loki and Valkyrie stood, "I'm not sure. Any suggestions?" Both of them looked very unimpressed. He looked to his other side, where Korg stood with Miek in his arms. "Miek, where are you from?"

"Oh, Miek's dead." Korg answered for him, pointing to the insect-like creature under his arm,


"Yeah, no I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge, I just feel- feel so guilty I've been carrying him around all day." Miek stirred then, making a sort of chirping sound, and Korg lit up immediately, "Oh, Miek, you're alive! He's alive, guys! What was your question again?"

Thor couldn't help but smile, looking out at the vast expanse of space before them.

"Earth it is."

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