Chapter nine

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Strutting through the large doorway came a person whom he usually would call his brother, however, now he wasn't sure what term to use. It definitely was Loki, Alright- dark hair, high cheekbones, bright green eyes- except now, he sported breasts and wider hips, along with a grin that quickly faded as he laid eyes on his brother.

Loki had adapted his appearance to look more feminine, and even his voice had changed. The troll had completely bought it.

The troll opened up the little cage door, and Thor almost burst out laughing. "Seriously, Brother?"

Before Loki could respond, the troll answered for him. "Do not address me as brother, tiny thing." A snap of the troll's fingers, and Thor was chained, arms tight to his side and his grin quickly falling.

Thor was angry now, but also confused. "Loki, what are you-"

A snap of Loki's fingers this time, and a gag was in Thor's mouth, affectingly silencing him.

"He'll be cooked up in no time, master." Loki assured, and with the mere lift of a finger, Thor was off his feet, suspended in the air and soon enough being guided down the hallway, floating near the ceiling as he struggled against his bonds and attempted to shout at his brother, rage quickly filling him as Loki brought through tunnels galore, finally putting him down in another dirt room, this one with a big cauldron in the centre and dead animals hanging from the ceiling.

Finally out of earshot of the troll, Loki gave a rather irritated groan and dropped Thor, the gag disappearing almost instantly.

"How do you do that?" Thor almost laughed, anger now fading a bit. "We can't have been here for more than five minutes."

"When he found me in a cage, he thought I was a woman, and offered me a choice." Loki's voice was still feminine, soft and rather gentle as he unchained the king of Asgard. "Be his slave, or be his dinner. Now come, we must escape this place before we both become his next meal."

"A troll... living underground, who traps and eats anything he can." Thor muttered, giving a sigh of relief as the chains loosened and dropped to the dirt ground. "Let's find another planet to inhabit. This one is definitely not the best... and it's always freezing."

"Not always." Loki corrected, "If it was always below zero, it would not snow, as there would be no way of water to evaporate and reach the clouds. We are simply visiting during the winter of this planet." The trickster helped his brother to his feet, offering almost a bit of a smile. "You're such an oaf... now, let's get out of here."

Thor looked around the room, glad to see there was another door at the other side of it. "Do you know where an exit would be?"

"It's not like I have a map, Thor. I've only been here a minute or so longer then you have." Loki lead the way, his facade still up as he made his way through the tunnels, never really sure where he was going. "This is a fairly big network of tunnels, though we ought to find at least one way out."

"Does the troll live here alone?" Thor's hands still throbbed from the pain, the skin burnt bad enough for it to have bubbled with blisters already. He would have a hell of a time jacking off like this.

"As far as I know, yes." Loki turned a corner, and then immediately turned and pushed Thor backwards, shoving him into a dark room that smelt of clay and dirt. The ground once again tumbled as the troll made his way past, Loki's heart racing almost as fast as Thor's was.

Having pushed him flat against the wall, Loki's body was flush with Thor's, a hand over his mouth keeping him quiet as he waited for the Troll's footsteps to fade.

Thor was unsure how to react, although with fairly decent sized breasts pressed up against his coat, he wasn't complaining.

Loki backed away from his brother and went back to leading the way, his brisk walk soon turning into a sprint when he came across a long tunnel with an upwards slant.

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