Chapter Seven

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Once morning had come and gone, their positions has changed drastically- Thor, who often tossed and turned while he slept, was half-off the bed, his long legs hanging off the side while his head was beside Loki's, an arm resting over the other man's back.

Loki was sleeping on his stomach, spread out like a starfish, his head turned to the side. They were close, the thunderer's cheek resting against the top of the trickster's head.

Despite Thor's thunderous snoring, Loki had slept well. Though he felt guilty for sleeping so long, it had been wonderful to rest. Now, however, as he blinked slowly until his eyes managed to focus, he was filled with dread and almost horror as the white numbers on the digital clock finally made sense.

He'd overslept. Oh, god, he'd overslept- he was supposed to go volunteer from 11am to 5pm, and with the clock now reading 3:37pm, he was definitely a least a little bit late.

Struck with panic, Loki bolted up into a sitting position, startling the previously slumbering King by his side.

"Brother...? Brother, come back to sleep..." the man groaned, a large hand reaching over to grab Loki by the wrist, although he was tired and his hand-eye coordination was not the best, so instead his large hand found it's way to Loki's thigh.

The trickster practically jumped away from the warm hand, suppressing a gasp as he moved away, rustling through the drawers in search of proper clothes.

"Loki... why the sudden rush...? Come baaaaaaack..." Thor almost laughed, although it turned into a yawn as he rolled over to get closer to the man, reaching towards him with grabby hands.

Loki easily evaded him, slipping into the bathroom and locking the door before coming back out within mere seconds, changed and ready to go. "I must go, Thor, I'll already be in enough trouble as is."

"Trouble? Loki, I informed the organizers of the orphanage you were recovering from an attack last night. You have the day off." Thor was sitting up now, rubbing the sleep from his eye.

Loki stopped in his tracks, giving a groan. "And you didn't think to inform me?"

Thor shrugged, "I didn't want to wake you."

Loki found himself rolling his eyes, making his way to the bathroom again, this time leaving the door open, as he was only brushing his hair. It had been getting quite long, and he loved it- so wavy and free. Short hair was a symbol of servitude and slavery, and so for Loki, growing out his hair was his way of saying that he would no longer be a slave to any rules or requirements, or anything at all, for the matter. He was Loki. And Loki did whatever he wanted.

"Brotherrrrrrr.... come back to bed..." Thor groaned, flopping back down on the bed. The man was dressed in black sweatpants and nothing else, his short hair neat and tidy and the black eyepatch hiding the mess that had been made of his eye.

"It's three in the afternoon, Brother, we ought to get up and do something productive. Don't you have things to do?" Loki yawned and put the hairbrush back in it's place, before grabbing a basket full of medical supplies.

"No..." Thor groaned, yanking the covers over his head.

"Oh, please, Brother, you're the new king of Asgard. You must have something to do." Making his way out of the bathroom, Loki tossed the basket at the king of Asgard, who's hand reflexively reached up out of the covers to catch the basket with ease.

"What is this for?" Thor peaked out from under the blankets, watching his brother approach and kneel on the bed beside him.

"Your eye. We need to-" Loki was interrupted by a loud groan from his brother,

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