Chapter Five

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When Thor had kicked open the doors to the pool, he hadn't expected what he'd seen.

While the guards were beat up and exhausted, and were trying to fight off a cobra, Loki was nowhere in sight. The cobra seemed to perk up at the sight of Thor, however, and the guards looked over to see the king of Asgard, in nothing but a pair of pyjama bottoms, sparking with anger.

"Y-your majesty-" One stuttered, But Thor was already stomping his way over, grabbing one guard by the front of his garb and tossing him into the water.

It was only when Thor watched the snake turn to black smoke that he noticed Loki was at the bottom of the pool, hands and feet tied together, his dark hair acting almost like a shroud. The man was motionless.

Two other guards are struck by a rather powerful bolt of lightening before the king of Asguard dives into the pool of water, powerful arms and legs aiding him reach the bottom of the pool in no time at all.

Loki was still. He floated a few feet off of the bottom of the pool, bubbles seeping past his barely-parted lips.

Thor was quick to act. Grabbing him around the torso, he kicked off the bottom and sped towards the surface, pulling in a great gasp of air once he'd breached it.

For once, it was nice having shorter hair, as it stayed out of his eyes and was not in his way whatsoever as he tore Loki's bonds with his bare hands, ripping the rope as if it was made of paper.

Thor panted heavily, blinking desperately, trying to clear his head of confusion and disorientation.

Thor was panicking. Thor was full out panicking. He barely felt anything over the pure and utter confusion and terror. His head spun almost painfully, his shock turning quickly to fear. Everything was happening too fast. He tried to breathe evenly through the rising dread, knowing he had to take action now or forever regret not doing so. He was not going to lose his brother. Not again.

Thor leaned over Loki, laying him down on his back, pausing for a small, terrifying moment, only for him to realize that Loki was unconscious, his skin pale and his hair sticking to his face. Thor panicked, leaning down until his ear was just above Loki's nose and slightly parted lips, listening intently, praying to the Norns he'd feel and hear his breathing.

But no. He was met with a terrifying and cold silence.

Loki had no pulse. He was not breathing whatsoever. Loki was motionless, white as a ghost, his lips starting to tinge blue, water dribbling from them.

"You are not allowed to die." Thor hissed, before bringing a fist down on Loki's chest, a hard pound that caused him to jerk, more water leaking from his lips.

Then, Thor found himself remembering, thrown back into a memory he had of earth, while sitting in someone's living room, watching television.

A woman had drowned, a pretty woman, and an equally pretty man had pressed on her chest and gave her a kiss with air until she'd come back. Was that what he was supposed to do?

It was worth a try.

Trying to replay the memory in his head, doing his very best to remember, Thor folded his hands over Loki's still chest, pushing down in quick, sharp movements, more and more water spilling from Loki's pale lips, his eyes remaining closed and his body motionless.

While Thor straddled the trickster, he continued with the forceful pushes to Loki's chest until he found himself leaning down, tilting his head back and holding his chin in place before he met his lips, so much colder than Thor had dreamed, gifting him the air he so desperately needed.

Still no reaction, no response. No "get off me, you fool!" Or "what are you doing, you blithering idiot?". Thor was met with the still terrifying silence.

That's when Thor struck an idea that he thought was genius.

If electricity could stop a heart, why couldn't it start one?

Big, strong hands fit themselves on Loki's chest, and Thor closed his eye, focusing, focusing, channeling his energy...

And he delivered a shock that caused Loki's body to jolt, arching into his touch, before once again going still.

And then there was sputtering, coughing. Loud and urgent, and then Thor helped Loki roll on to his side, his eyes wide. He was spitting up water, more and more water, until he then took a deep gasping breath, then another, and colour finally returned to his face, his lips. He brushed his wet hair off of his forehead, breathing as deep as he could.

Thor gave a loud shout of triumph and shuddered with an overwhelming relief, a cold sweat breaking over his skin. His terrified and grief filled gasps for breath turned into exhales of relief and happiness.

Once Loki finally managed to take in what was going on, and how hot his lips and chest felt, he did his best to sit up and kick at his brother. "Thor, you-" he was caught in a coughing fit, before catching his breath again and then continuing, "You dolt... I was halfway to Helheim..." he joked, before flopping back down, his chest heaving up and down. The guards were long gone, having turned tail and ran as soon as Thor had jumped into the water- it was only the two of them.

"Brother... I am simply glad you are breathing again," Thor panted, his smile insuppressible. "I feel great joy, hearing you speak..."

"Mmmm... goodness, I'm cold... Thor, Brother, Darling, will you carry me, please and thank you? I find myself rather tired... especially after such an event."

Thor simply laughed at that, before sitting up and making his way over to Loki's side, lifting him up and over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. Loki found himself giggling rather uncontrollably as Thor carried him out of the room, the two of them still completely soaked with water and chilled to the bone.

"Why do you think those three idiots wanted you dead so badly?" Thor asked, and Loki was quick with his response.

"I insulted them. I said their quarters smelt like old food and body odour. Oh, and perhaps they dislike the fact that a mass murderer is now working with children. That may have played a part."

Thor found himself chuckling at that. With Loki back, he was giddy on adrenaline and relief. "Alright, Brother. Now, while I am to go settle this whole situation, I would like you to take a hot shower and put on comfortable night clothes. You are going to sleep, for a full eight hours at least. You need it."

Loki hummed in understanding , "Alright... but don't expect me to be asleep before you return."

A Second Chance // Thorkiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें