Chapter thirteen

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"Unhand me, you brainless Neanderthal!" Loki practically bellowed, kicking and struggling against the hand that gripped his collar so tight. "Thor, you boneheaded cretin, get your filthy ape-like hands off of me or I swear you will never see the light of day again!"

Finally, Loki managed to skip from his grip and fall to the hard, cold floor of their room, the thunderer locking the door behind them.

Loki was on his feet within seconds, in full battle armour and helmet, a knife in hand as he lunged at his brother, though he was deflected rather easily, the knife flung from his fingers, clattering to the floor as Thor held him down by the throat and pulled out a familiar little device, pressing it to the side of Loki's neck.

The trickster gave a hiss, although then, he fell still, glaring up at the man above him. "You promised me you wouldn't do this, Thor."

"I did no such thing." Thor's words were cold, harsh, and he held up the golden little remote for show. "This, is mine. And I will use it when I see fit."

When Loki made a lunge for it, Thor pressed the little button on the side, and the trickster fell back, shaking rather uncontrollably from the constant shocks and the toxins the little device in his neck delivered.

Thor pressed the button once again, and Loki fell still, panting for breath, eyes wide with almost fear as he stared up at his brother, who now practically had him on a leash.

"This is madness," the trickster panted, remaining where he was on the ground as Thor stood, almost grinning down at the little man.

"You need not be so dramatic, brother. This is merely a bit of insurance." He promised, tossing it up in the air and catching it with ease. "Do as I say, and you will be completely unharmed."

"Do as you say? What is this, some kind of-" Loki cut off when he noticed Thor's finger move back on to the button, just waiting for the trickster to put a hair over the line.

A usually deft and well-controlled hand now shook as he reached up and placed two fingers against the cool metal of the mechanism in the side of his throat.  "Why?" Loki practically whispered, suddenly rather confused. "Why are you so opposed to something that has nothing to do with you? It's my life, I..."

"You're cockblocking me, and so I'm cockblocking you." Thor said it with a smile, once again tossing up the device before catching it skillfully. "As a Prince of Asgard, it is far too dangerous for you to be spending the night with common folk."

"As a Prince of Asgard, I say you're a hypocrite, and this is bullshit." Loki hissed, finding the courage to sit upwards as slow as possible, making sure to send a steely glare in Thor's direction.

The two fingers he'd pressed to the machine embedded in his skin frosted over and turned a light blue as the trickster tried a new strategy, focusing some of his seidr on perhaps freezing the machine and the toxins in it.

His attempts were fruitless, however, and so he dropped his hand, looking rather defeated. "Of all times you chose to be overprotective of me... now? It is too late to shield me from the horrors of the universe, Thor."

Overprotectiveness, sure. Definitely not jealousy. Thor had convinced himself that the jealousy he'd felt had simply been worry, or some other emotion like that. He was not acting out of jealousy, no, he was acting as a concerned brother. Yes. Absolutely. 100%.

This seemed odd. Loki could sense that something was off. Thor was being far too extreme. This wasn't like him at all... not the silly Thor he'd had to deal with all his life.

When Loki stood, a green glow rolled over his skin, and rather than his usual green garb, he was now clothed in something far different, loose and silky green clothing, his shirt almost half-unbuttoned. His hair was wavy and rather voluminous, as it had been when he had been in the dungeons of Asgard.
"I suppose if I am to be held captive I might as well dress for the part." He practically growled, flopping down on the bed, grabbing a book from the bedside table. And with that, he ignored Thor's presence, more than irritated with the man. He read in silence, laying on his stomach, pretending his brother did not exist.

Thor stuffed the golden little remote into his pocket and sighed as he watched his brother for a moment, before an electric blue eye had slid down to that pert little ass of his, and Thor had stumbled into the bathroom, doing his best to ignore the various thoughts that had flooded his head.

Upon closing the door, the thunder god pressed his back to it, removing the eyepatch which covered the mess that was his eye as he gave a heavy, tired sigh. Oh, how he was conflicted.

He felt something for Loki, that he knew. And he'd definitely felt something rather extreme when he'd seen him and that oaf together, heading towards the private rooms. What had been his name? No, it did not matter. That man was inconsequential. What had been of importance was the fact that Loki was taking a stranger to bed, Loki was going to let a stranger touch him and use him as he wanted. The game had been for a kiss, not who could get fucked into the floor first.

Thor had felt anger, when he'd seen Grim touch the little trickster, place his hands where he shouldn't have. Thor was livid when he'd noticed them stumbling their way towards the private rooms.

And even though he had acted out of anger, he felt no regret. In fact, he was quite satisfied with these results. Loki was under his control.

Loki was under his control. The thought sent a shutter down his spine, and he couldn't help but think of what I'd be like if he had the willpower to use it against him. What I'd be like to take advantage of this. What I'd be like to fuck him into the mattress, pushing for all the depth he could get as the trickster begged for more, more, more.

But he knew that could not happen. The people of Asgard did not approve of Loki even being on the ship, how would they approve of him making him his lover?

It took a moment for Thor to realize that he was half hard just from his thoughts. God, it's been so long since he'd had a good fuck, but with his palms fairly burnt, it wouldn't be worth it to try and jack off.

The fact that he was unable to properly satisfy his needs angered him, though he did not act out of anger this time around. This time, he pulled off his shirt and kicked off his trousers, turning the shower water as cold as he could possibly get it, hoping that it would ease his erection and cool his anger.

What now, Thor? He found himself thinking, running a hand though his wet hair as water beat down on him from above. What's your next move to be? You want what is impossible, so, what are you to do?

Right then and there, Thor found himself realizing multiple things- that he had acted out of jealousy in the bar, that he was in love with the Jotun Prince of Asgard, and that he wanted Loki more than he wanted anything else.

And he had to do something about it.

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