Chapter Thirty Two

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Loki spent the better part of a week in the intensive care unit of their little hospital, unconscious for a good majority of the time. Thor visited him as much as he damn well could, even if it was just to sit by his side, holding his hand, pestering the nurses to find out when he would wake, when he would be better, when he'd be able to come home.

Whenever he'd been awake, he was always weak and quiet, throat hoarse and skin pale, just strong enough to keep his facade up even while he was sleeping. Most of his strength went to his facade.

Albin had been in to visit him a few times, cuddling up to his side, reading him stories- Thor only ever brought the little boy in when Loki was awake, not wanting to scare him.

Visiting times were limited- Loki hated being seen in such a state anyway, weak and hooked up to several strange devices, his hair curly and unwashed and his skin sickly pale, dark circles under his eyes. He looked deathly ill, as he kind of was, cheeks hollow, looking just as gaunt as he could. It was a miracle he'd kept Bruce alive long enough for the medical team to reach them.

Bruce was faring far better- thanks to Loki keeping him together, the patch did pretty much everything for him. He was back to trying to improve the panels in the control room within about a day and a half.

However, the day after he'd been released, he soon enough found himself back in hospital, this time not because of any injury or illness.

He walked slow, hesitant, cringing at how loud the door was when it slid closed behind him.

That was what had caught Loki's attention, somewhat gentle blue eyes flickering up from the book resting on his legs.

Eye contact was made, and Bruce, in an attempt to escape awkward small talk or any emotional conversation, placed the bouquet of odd-looking flower like twirls and twists of metal and a letter on the nightstand, before attempting to make a break for it, jogging just as silently as he could back to the door-


The word came hoarse and quiet, so unlike the usual firm and very, very intimidating voice Loki ordinarily had. He'd placed his book down then, having delicately slid a homemade, thin leather bookmark between it's pages.

"What... what is this for?"

Bruce, who had stopped in his tracks, turned around slowly, hesitantly, looking almost fearful. "I- It's nothing, just... I mean, you saved me, so..."

There was a moment of silence, the both of them staying almost perfectly still- Loki, with the metal bouquet in his lap, glancing between the card and the man before him, and Bruce, standing frozen near the door, the only movement being made by his Adam's apple bobbing prominently as he swallowed.

"That's... that's nonsense, I didn't-" The prince was caught by a coughing fit then, Bruce coming forward on pure impulse to help him straighten, the trickster suddenly looking dizzy and rather pale. The man eased him down then, shaking hands on his pale shoulders, not quite realizing what he'd done until Loki was laid back in the pillows, pulling in a few shaky breaths before he uttered, "Y-you shouldn't have come, I-I'm a mess as of right now."

Bruce retracted his hands then, pulling him close to his chest as if he didn't know what to do with them then, "I mean, I can go, if you-"

"Don't be stupid... sit down." The god ordered, though he didn't sound nearly as intimidating as usual. Still, Bruce did as he was told, sort of awkwardly sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Loki, obviously wary, picked up the letter with a rather steady, suspicious glare on Bruce, long, shaking fingers opening the letter slow and careful, prying open the wax seal Bruce had used to keep it together before he slid the small letter from it's envelope. He sat up slightly, leaning against the headboard to read a bit better. He was wearing what looked like one of Thor's casual shirts, a pale beige sort of colour that had dark brown strings which somewhat held it together down the front, coming to an end about halfway. They were rather loose, leaving a small section of his ghostly pale chest visible.

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