"Dating" in videogames

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Okay, so anybody who ever played a game that has global chat has come across this problem. People who "date" in videogames. I put the "'s because they aren't really dating, they just say they are. It kinda ruins your experience when people are all like: "Hey. I'm 14 I'm a girl I'm hot! I need a bf!"


If these people were all that they said they were, then they wouldn't be looking to video games to find them love...

In fact one time I was playing pixelgun online, and this guy was like "Cute girl be my gf!"

Then this other person was like: "Screw you man she's mine!"

They started getting in a heated argument, and it got pretty intense. They were throwing out swear words and saying things that didn't make any sense, until finally cute girl was like: "Actually ima guy lmao you just got trolled!"

I couldn't help but laugh, and the two guys probably felt like complete losers. And if you turn to videogames to find love..... Well there is no hope left for you. I would at least go to eharmony or something go like that....


If you've ever played the old version of castle clash by i double g(sounds like my mini golf name I got on the streets! M double g! Ya know mini gold god? No okay.) then you would know that game has private messaging.(I'm not sure about the new one, cuz I kinda gave up on the game :/) Anyways, I dared my friend to pose as a 16 year old single girl in chat, and you would not believe the stuff we got. People would be like: "I shove my hard **** in your tiny wet ****!"


What has the world come to?! Oh and the chat didn't have a censor on it, so just imagine what people said.... Actually don't. Oh and the same thing happens on omegle all the time! That's why it's just best to stick to video chat.... Or avoid omegle in the first place.

Anyhow what I'm trying to say is, this world is full of creepy perverts, and I think it's just wrong. Trying to find love in a videogame meant for kids is down right stupid. Now I'm going to stop this rant now, cuz I'm done.

These rants are going to be short if they aren't about a topic that I really care about :P

Rants about everything!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora