Text speak

368 15 11

So my first rant is about people using text speak everywhere! I have friends who will be like:

"Screw you! Hahah JK!"

Really. Jk? Why not just say just kidding! This is the real world people!

I try my best not to freak out on them, but sometimes I can't take it! THERE IS NO NEED TO SAY JK!!!!!

And then there are those people who use text speak in their books. -_- it's a freaking book! Why do you need to use it! I've came across a lot of books like that, and I just stop reading.

If you're going to use text speak in a book, then it better be when they're texting. Other wise I will birth a cow.

:/ That made no sense.

I suck at ranting.

This was really short.


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