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Here I am writing another rant! I know it's been like 10 years, but I only write these when I'm mad :/ It's a outlet type thing when I can't blast people's heads off in FPS games. That obviously means I'm not at home, and I'm not. I'm at my brother's soccer practice... It's sunny and cold :P Get your crap together nature!

Though back to the whole ranting when I'm mad thing, I don't rant about what makes me mad. If I did this book would only be about stupid kids at school and my family. Kinda sounds like a bad sitcom. The Life of DJUnicorn! Today's episode: annoying fat kids and people always touching you!

I also should rant about my Instagram account getting 10 likes instead of 11. I love having it like that, because I just feel so accomplished when the names turn into numbers... I am sadly amused XD I was actually thinking about mentioning moody 12 year old girls, buuuut. Wait... To late.

I have gotten way off track XD Lets back to the subject on hand!

Stereotypes. The one thing that's bad for everyone.... Except Canadians.

"Oh DJUnicorn that's so mean!"

No it's not! The Canadian stereotype is they are nice and they like maple syrup. What's wrong with that? Nothing! Everyone else's is like: you rape people, you speak in Ching Chang Chung. (Why did my iPad capitalize all of that?) your a fat & gun loving there are many more, but I don't feel like naming them :/

But no! Canada has to be to perfect (≧∇≦)No offense to Canadians, I love you guys <3

I even asked my mom why the Canadian stereotype was so nice and all she said was. "Well actually it's not good. People only think of you as nice, so they don't take you seriously."


Last I checked Canadians skin color varies. There is no one skin color, so how would people know you are Canadian? You would have to tell them! It's not like your gonna hold hostages and people are gonna be like: "hey you look Canadian! I'm not scared of you!"

No. But with everyone else they have a set skin color. I.e. Black people are black. Americans are white. All people really have to do is look at your skin color and people will know what's race you are. Then bam stereotypes.

Have you ever wondered where they started? Well I did, and I did some research, and I figured it out. It's because people have had one bad experience, and that spread rumors, that all the people are like that. Let's say a few hundred years ago, a white lady got raped by a black slave.

She would then say. "Oh god I was raped by a black person!" Then she would be scared of black people, Because she doesn't want it to happen again. 1 person will follow her fear, then another, then before you know there is a entire town scared!

Now it's not just black people, it works that way with every religion. Now next time you see a Mexican(or any race) guy dressed in all black and hiding in the corners, think before you act. I'm not saying think that everyone is happy happy joy joy, in fact you should always be aware. But don't do anything stupid.

See ya next time m8

On the next episode of life of DJUnicorn: "Mawm my Instagram selfie only got 10 likes not 11!"

*step sister walks in* "My Starbucks selfie only got 999,999,999,999,999,999,999 likes! I'm ruined!"

Find out what happens next ;)


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