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Eddie is nervous to take Mason home. He has almost every thing he needs, but the car ride is silent. Anne thankfully picked them up. And while Mason is strapped into the new toddler seat, Eddie slides into the passenger seat.

Do you think he'll like me?

Venom scoffs because it's a ridiculous worry, of course they like you.

Mason's doe eyes stare out the window in wonder, with excitement clear in his eyes.

And finally, the car stops.

The building isn't much to look at. It's still the same complex, still near all the stores he needs to go to. The difference is inside.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Anne asks.

"Huh? Yeah, yes," Eddie nods, "thanks Anne."

She watches as he struggles to unclip the seatbelt, mostly because of gravity and the added weight.

But he manages and he carefully helps Mason out of the car.

Eddie should really consider moving out. The one thing that kills him are the steps and therefore, the lack of elevator.

He also notices Mason's legs are short and stubby and he'll definitely have a hard time climbing by himself.

So, without thinking, Eddie picks him up. He's light for a toddler his age, but still too heavy for him now. Immediately his back starts aching and he has to breathe through a flare of pain in his belly.

Reckless, Venom scolds.

Didn't want to freak him out and Sleeper seems too shy to do anything.

Eddie won't lie. He feels instant relief when Venom engulfs his arm. They arrange Mason in such a way that the baby is facing forward, resting on Eddie's hip, and not looking at the black arm supporting him.

It works out.

They make it to their floor and Eddie has to jiggle the key into the door knob before he can hear the click.

Venom sets Mason down and sinks back into Eddie's skin.

The door creaks open and reveals a well decorated living room, with a rug under the coffee table and a new couch. Like hell they were keeping the rickety and stained monstrosity.

Mason seems to take everything in. His eyes straying to a bin in the corner of the room filled with a few new toys, some still in their packages and wrapped up neatly.

"Are you hungry?" Eddie asks.

The little boy nods.

"What do you want to eat?"

Mason simply blinks up at him and Eddie realizes that he won't answer.

"Okay, um do you want chicken nuggets?"

His little face twists into a scrunch, ringlets bouncing as he shakes his head.

"Do you like fries? Maybe a cheeseburger?"

Another shake.

Offer them tator tots, Venom suggests.

"Tator tots?"

At that, the little boy's eyes light up as he nods.

Eddie breathes in relief, guiding the three year old to the kitchen table with crayons and paper before helping him sit in the chair. He immediately heats up some tator tots and melts some chocolate.

He really is your son, Eddie sighs as he watches the little boy coloring.

Venom snickers, and so is this one.

Eddie jolts, the chocolate covered spoon he was planning on licking falls to the tiled floor with a clatter. His hand automatically goes to his swollen belly, his other uses the counter for support as he breathes.

What was that?

Even Venom stops moving under his skin. They both wait with bated breath before... again!

Holy shit!

Is that... is our baby kicking?

Venom's arms wrap around Eddie's waist with their hands on his belly, eyes widening when they feel a small nudge.

Eddie feels his throat close up and he finds it difficult to breathe properly because that's their baby. Kicking and moving.

He flinches when a small hand tugs at his pants, puppy eyes filling with tears of concern.

"Oh, oh no, baby don't cry," Eddie coos.

Venom should disappear.

They should give them time to adjust. But they don't. They can't.

Even as Eddie manages to get on his knees and hug the little boy, they don't faze back.

When they part, Mason's eyes are drawn to the gooey substance wrapped around Eddie's middle, outlining his heavy belly.

Eddie holds his breath when he notices. He should yell and scold Venom, but the little boy reaches out.

His little hand turns into a yellowish-green slime and meets Venom's hand half-way.

Mason doesn't look scared.

In fact, he looks excited. He looks happy. His eyes find Eddie and he flings himself toward the pregnant man into a hug, a single wobbly word falling from his lips, "daddy!"

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