Chapter 5 - Get It. Got It. Good.

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A- "Got it."

C- "Good. I promise they'll love you. I'll be there in an hour to get you so be ready and dress however you want, it'll all be coming off by the end of the night anyway."

A- I let out a playful gasp. "Christian Marino dirty ass DeLuca. Boy you are so nasty."

C- "I prefer hearing you call me babe, wanna say it again once more for me?"

A- "Goodbye Christian."

C- "Doesn't matter, I'll have you screaming more than that in no time. An hour."

I hung up and took the phone from my ear looking at it wide eyed. This man had me blushing and he ain't even in the room. Since the kiss I've had the most overwhelming urge to feel more of him. I thought I wanted him before, that was a tame comparison to what I was feeling now.

My virginity was never sacred to me, I just wanted a decent guy who I trusted to be my first and here's the perfect one saying all the right things.

After taking forever to search for an outfit, I finally settle on something modest enough for Christian's family but sexy enough for him. Taking a cool shower, I try to soothe the nerves and hormones running wild. I also took no chances and shaved everything from neck down.

After moisturizing my skin, sorting my hair and doing the bare minimum with my makeup, I put on the outfit taking one last look at myself in the full-length mirror. Damn I look good. The weight I had put on these past few months went straight to my butt and hips; a little stayed on my stomach, but I wasn't mad at it.

I've never been a skinny girl, I've always had curves, cellulite, stretch marks the whole shebang. Seeing my mom hate or love herself depending on the guy she was with, I figured out for myself at a young age to own my body because ain't no way in hell I'm gonna let somebody else tell me how to be me. I got distracted for a minute checking if I could pull off an emergency twerking in this dress if needed. My little dance was cut short when I heard my buzzer ring.

Looking out my apartment window downstairs I see the top of Christian's head in front of my building's door. I also can't miss the luxe town car parked with the driver posted beside it.

Walking out my front door I grab my jacket and purse heading downstairs. I open the lobby door and standing close enough for me to smell the familiar cologne I love, is Christian with a rose in hand. I look at him from head to toe beaming at how handsome he looked.

 I look at him from head to toe beaming at how handsome he looked

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

He stood still not saying anything, eyes roaming all over my body taking in what I was wearing with his mouth agape

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

He stood still not saying anything, eyes roaming all over my body taking in what I was wearing with his mouth agape. My smile slowly died down as he looked on still not saying anything which had me second guessing my picks for the night.

"You don't like it? I can go put something else on if you don't mind waiting, I had another dress laid out in case." Not getting an answer, I playfully pout "I told you to come over and help me. I've never had to dress for something like this before. Wait here, I'll go change into something else."

I turn to run back into the building, but he lightly grabs my arm halting my movements.

"No, you won't. You look amazing. ... Damn." He ran his hand through his hair, tousling the strands.

"Thank you. You clean up nice too." His eyes were still inspecting my body, fixating on my legs and chest. "Are we gonna stand here all night or what?" Letting out a chuckle, I try walking past him to get to the car, but he stops me with a tight grip on my waist.

Lifting my chin, he takes no time in smashing his lips against mine. Pleasantly surprised by the action, I let out a light moan snaking my hand around his neck hoping to deepen the kiss. I feel his hand slide down past my waist squeezing my ass. I gasp at his rough touches yearning for more and he wastes no time slipping his tongue into my mouth. The minty aroma feeling cool against the heat of my taste buds.

In no time he had my back pressed up against the door and all I could feel was the pleasure of his tongue ravaging every inch of my mouth, his harsh rubs on my backside and his gradually hardening member pressed against my navel.

I wanted more.

JJ x

Becoming HisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora