I begin to pace as I panic, this is not ok. He tries stopping me with his arms, "Sweetheart, what's the big deal?"

I stop, giving him a bewildered look. "The big deal is that everyone's gonna call me a slut!" I've seen it happen plenty of times before.

"No one will call you a slut, Scarlett." He says reassuringly, trying to hug me.

I throw my hands up in the air, "First of all, yes they will, I'm a girl. Secondly, at least I have the decency to cover mine up!"

Does he have any idea how high school works? I'll be crucified, especially since we're not dating. Avery's gonna have a field day with this, let alone other kids. So many people will see this.

"You have one?" He asks, trying to search my neck.

I pull the neck of my cheer top down, stretching it in order to show my collarbone. I glance down and instantly regret it. If anything, it's gotten darker.

He touches it and I swat his hand away, ignoring how warm they are. The warning bell rings and I let out another frustrated grunt, I'm going to be be late to math.

Ashton pulls my chin so I'm looking up at him, a serious expression on his face. "I promise, no one will say a word to you." he pecks my forehead, making me feel a little better. "Besides, I think it's wonderful."

I shove him and hurry back to the hallway, not in the mood to talk to him. Of course he does.

"You know we're gonna be late right?" He chases after me.

"Yeah, well you started it so tough nubs." I call over my shoulder, he seems to be so relaxed about everything else this should be no problem.


Lunch is uncomfortable for the first time ever.

Ella and Stella do nothing but stare at me, still wanting to talk. The guys eat quietly, not knowing what to say. Gabe tried to make a comment but my glare shut him up mid sentence. Sage seems amused by the entire ordeal, a smile on his face as he eats his food. The brat simply laughed yesterday when he saw it.

There are plenty of eyes on us but so far no one's said a word to me. I'm not stupid though, I know it's because Ashton hasn't left my side. It would be so much worse if he did.

I pick at my leftover enchiladas from last night, my eyes focused on the table. Just because Ashton hasn't left my side doesn't mean I'm talking to him, a little warning would've been nice. If anything, his ego has grown from the attention he's been getting today.

Although, I must admit, it's nice to feel his hand on my knee. Him placing it there to stop my shaking my leg.

"We're going to the bathroom." Stella says suddenly, kicking me in the shin when I don't go to get up.

She kicks me again, I clench my jaw to fight the wave of pain that follows. "Well, it looks like I have to pee." I say sarcastically, pushing my chair back forcefully.

Stella keeps a solid grip on my hand as they book it to a bathroom on the second floor.

"What the hell happened?" Ella asks, double checking to make sure no one's in the stalls.

I go through the details of the night, Ella continuously sighing like she's listening to a fairy tale. Stella taps her shoe and rolls her eyes from time to time, motioning for me to get to the good stuff. For someone so anxious for details she's being rather picky.

Once I finish the story, showing Ella a picture of us outside of the ice cream shop, Stella cracks her knuckles. "That's nice and all but how'd he get the hickey?"

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