2. 'Color' ?

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2. 'Color'?

Jay and I crashed onto the comfy sofa in my room. I plugged my iPod into the surround sound stereo system, and put a playlist on. Rarely anyone had heard of the music I listened to, and I felt like it made me cool.From the first time Jay, Matt, and Tom had seen the MUSE posters adorning my walls they were in for an English music masterclass.

Pint Shot Riot's 'Not Thinking Straight' kicked in, and I powered my laptop up as Jay switched my TV on. He used it more than me, I didn't really like American shows. So I mainly watched re-runs online from England. I couldn't get Jay into any of them.

"It's just their accents," he had reiterated "yours I can live with, but I just get sick of watching a whole programme. It gets annoying."

"How do you think I feel?" I had countered "I have to live here, and your accents aren't exactly heavenly." Jay flicked through the channels, then switched the TV off.

"Just shit on?" I asked

"Like usual," he nodded "You should get sport channels on."

"They just have American sports on, and I can't be bothered with them."


"So tonight," I changed subject "is Juliette coming?" Juliette was Jay's girlfriend.

"No," Jay mumbled "we had a bit of an argument."

"Oh right, sorry mate, I won't talk about it. Mates before dates anyway," I winked.

"It's bro's before ho's," Jay laughed back.

"For you Yanks it might be."

"Shut up, go and drink some tea."

I sighed. The English person equals tea drinker thing was the first myth I had encountered.

"I don't bloody well like tea," I yelled, much to Jay's delight. They always found a way to laugh at me. I didn't mind; I teased them too.

"So are you on the lookout for new material tonight?" I asked.

"I don't know," Jay admitted "if I get really pissed then who knows where it could lead."

"There's my boy," I laughed "some of those chicks going are decent, like really decent."

"What about you?" he asked "you gonna slip a condom in your back pocket in case you get lucky?"

"Lucky?" I laughed him off. I still didn't know, I'd probably see how confident I was feeling later.

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