Chapter Nine

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Chase opened the front door, and Boo Boo trotted to him. He picked up the little peanut. "Hey, did you miss me? Where's your mommy?"

Carrying the dog through the hall to the family room, he stopped short at the sight of Courtney asleep on the couch. A Christmas movie played on TV—one of those girly shows he never watched. A fuzzy gray throw covered her. Her blond hair had spread out across the throw pillow. Long lashes fanned on her cheeks.

He stood over the couch and stared at her. Couldn't help it. She was just that beautiful.

Boo Boo licked his cheek, snapping him out of his reverie. Great. He was officially becoming a creeper. Setting the dog on Courtney's lap, he sat beside her, reaching over to smooth the hair from her face. But the touch undid him, and he bent, kissing her cheek. A mere brush of his lips.

Her eyes opened, heavy with sleep, and her lips curved upward.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey." His throat felt lined with sandpaper.

"I must have dozed off." Propping on her elbows, she pushed up to a seated position, her legs still stretched along the couch. "How long has it been since you kissed someone?"

Had he heard her correctly? He straightened, itching to pace, but she tugged on his sleeve.

"Don't get up. Never mind. It was too personal. I'm sorry." She rubbed her right temple. He swallowed. Hard.

"Four and a half years." He clenched his jaw. Admitting it was...sobering.

"Really? It's been over three for me." She tucked her chin.

He tipped it up with his index finger. "It's hard on you, isn't it? Living without physical affection."

"Yeah." She toyed with the edge of the throw. "Don't know how much you miss it until it's gone."

"You're young. In your prime. You've got plenty of time for..." He couldn't finish the thought. Couldn't bear to think of her kissing another man.

She shook her head, her nose scrunching.

"What? You planning on staying single forever?" Would be a shame for someone with such a big heart to spend her life alone.

"I don't know."

"Don't you want kids?"

Those big blues widened, locking on him. Without a word, she nodded. Her face told him everything he needed to know. She wanted kids desperately. Muttering under his breath, he drew her into his arms.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted. You probably thought you and JJ would have a couple of little ones by now. You got a rotten deal."

She clung to him, the tension in her body slowly fading.

"You probably don't want more kids." She leaned back and gave him a tight smile. "You've got Wyatt."

"I've always wanted more. Always." It was true. He'd loved raising Wyatt. Would still love to have more kids. "But I never found the wife. After I became a Christian, I wouldn't even think about living the way I used to."

She bit her lower lip. "There were lots of women you could have dated. Married."

"I wanted love or nothing."

"I understand." Christmas music blared from a commercial on the television. "Chase?"


"Would you kiss me?"

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