Chapter 1: Emma

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This story is a love story. It contains hot sexy Alpha male shapeshifters from all different kind of animals and curvy sassy women. I hope you all enjoy it! 


Emma Miller was done! She had it! They were sitting at the bar for 30 minutes now and the only thing she heard was James whining. She wanted, no she needed a fun night out. And wine, lots of wine! The wine part was going wel, with her third class. "James, can you please shut up for a minute?" she said harshly.James looked at her, eyes widened. Shock was written all over his face. Emma sighed, she didn't meant to hurt her best friend.

James Dawson was her neighbor for 8 years now. The first time she saw him in the elevator at there flat, she had to blink twice to made sure she wasn't seeing things. With over 6 foot tall and all the muscles under his clothes he was a hottie. When he smiled at her, she saw his eyes change from blue to golden. That was the moment she knew he was a shapeshifter.

Most people treat shifters differently. Some hate them, some love to love them. But Emma was raised to treat people how she wanted to be treated. So she decided to bring him welcome-to-the-building cookies when she found out he was her neighbor. He was so caught of guard, it was cute. She talked all night with James, and she learned that he was the son of an Alpha Bear shifter. And ever since they were best friends.

And that meant drinks every Friday night, just like now. She always looked forward to it, but lately James was in a mood. Ever since he heard he needed to get a mate to take over from his father as Alpha, he was grumpy and his favorite thing to do was complaining about it. She had it with his Alpha ass!

"It's just, I'm a little tired off your whining" She said with a sight. "When are you going to grow a pair and tell your father you can do without perfectly fine?"

James looked down at his beer bottle, taking a deep breath. "You know our laws, this is one I can't break." He said. Emma felt bad for James. What year were they living in that parents told kids to get married, or else...

"What about al those women your parents brought in for you?" James had told Emma his parents brought women from all over from different clans in the hope his mate was there.

"Nope, not one of them interested me or my bears" He said back. Emma learned that shifters knew who there mate was in an instant. Something about how they smelled and attracted both the man and the animal. "Beside, they were all to eager to be an Alpha mate. I want one who want us for us, not the status." He said looking up with golden eyes. She knew his animal was close to surface, agreeing with James.

"What more do you look for" she asked carefully. There was a plan beginning to form in her head. No idea if James was going to like it, but she had to try.Curious he looked at her, one brow shot up. She gestured for him to answer, for her plan to work she had to know. After a small staring contest he looked back at his beer and begin the rip off the label.

"I don't know." He said with his grumpy voice. Emma knew he didn't like talking about it. He may be big and handsome, but being the alpha son had taken on toll on him. For 35 years most people only wanted to be around him of be his friend because of his status.

Still trying to rip off the label from the bottle, he said "Like a said I want someone who want me for who I am, not the status.". He looked up with a small grin on his face. "I also would like someone with some attitude, you know. Not someone who just agree with everything I say, but someone who will argue with me they don't agree with me. Who tells me when I'm wrong. Someone with a mind." His face was getting happier with every word he said.

"And looks?" She asked

James took a moment to think before he said "I don't care that much. I like brunettes, but as long she has a brain and is nice it's good for me. Why do you ask?"

"Oh nothing, I just had an idea" I said with a smug face. He didn't need to know what I was planning just yet. "Just give me a week"

"Oh boy, miss match maker is on it?" He said with a big laugh. Yes, yes I'm. Emma brought up her glass and toasted. This week is going to be fun Emma thought to herself


Hi everyone! I hope you like my very first chapter on Wattpad. Since my native language isn't English but dutch, please inform me if there are any big grammer or spelling mistakes! I'm going to try to upload an new chapter every three day's

I hope you like big steamy Alpha shapeshifters, because I like writing about them :) And their love stories with their curvy women. 

My kind of shapeshifters could be any animal. From wolves to bears all the way to lions. They have these enhanced abilities thanks to their animal, like better hearing and are stronger than any normal person.

ps. I would love it if you voted on my chapters! ^^

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