As the boys are talking Jen goes over to Court who presents her other friends who are already there.

Court: Hey honey!! I missed you!

Jen: I knooow baby I missed you too!

Court: So let me present you...guys this is Jen my official "wife" for those who don't know hahaha

Jen: Yeah hahaha I'm the wife, nice to meet you

Norma: Nice to meet you I'm Norma

Court: And that's her husband Cole...

Jen: Hi!

Cole: Hi! Nice to meet you

Lena: And I'm Lena, hi!

Jen: Hi Lena nice to meet you...

Court: Let me get you your drink sweetie

Jen: Thank you...

Cole: But aren't you gonna ask her what she wants?

Court: hahaha ...Didn't you hear what I said earlier?? She's my wife, I know what she wants.

Cole: Which is???

Court: DIRTY MARTINI! ALWAYS dirty martini

Jen: ahahhaah! I'm afraid it's true Cole

Court: See, I'm the official wife Cole. The unofficial is Brad over there...

Jen: Yeah there's a huge competition...

Brad: About what?

Jen: Oh hey honey...

Brad: hey...

Jen turns to Brad who is holding her back then kisses him before they both sit next to the other people.

Court: We were talking about the fact that I AAAAM Jen's first wife.

Brad: Oh yeah, I can't compete with that anymore...

Cole: Poor man ahahaha

Brad: ahahah I know... It's life

Jen: Don't worry baby I'll make it up to you...

Brad: Uh really?

Jen: As soon as we get out of here

Court: NOT FAIR ahaha. I can't do that...

Jen: No sweetie you have Johnny for that ahahah

The night is cool, everybody body is now getting along, eating and laughing

Court: Look at the picture Coco sent me

Norma: aaaw she's precious, you know sometimes I really want a kid.

Jen: Yeah...You know when I see her or Brad's kids, I really am tempted....I could have my own.

Norma: Yeah, but come on Jen we both know that if you really wanted a child, you would've already had one with all the new ways to be a parent.

The whole table is suddenly cooled by Norma's words, and Jen's face changes completely. She becomes all red and is now filled with anger.

Jen: Excuse me... Wh...what did you say??.....How dare you?

She gets up to take her bag before leaving but  Court goes to her with Brad and Johnny.

Court: Sweetie don't go it's okay...please stay

Jen: NO COURTNEY! IT'S NOT OKAY!!! Who does she think she is?!
(She goes back to Norma who is sitting at the table )
Who do you think you are to comment on something that personal about my private life?? YOU DON'T KNOW ME! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!  All you know is what you read in a damn magazine.YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE THOUSANDTH OF WHAT I'VE BEEN TROUGH! ( Jen is in a total rage, yelling, as now tears start falling down on her cheeks. She will never usually respond or scream like that to someone but the subject is really sensitive to her.)
You are NOT the one who woke up THOUSAND TIMES at night or stopped a shooting because you were BLEEDING ! You don't know how it feels like when your doctor gives you the look that every women is scared of, telling you that your baby is gone ! THAT YOU LOST YOUR BABY AGAIN!! You don't know how I woke up everyday telling myself that the one thing I could possibly want, I will NEVER have it! The nights I spent crying !YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT AFFECTED MY MARRIAGE!! How I had to give up on someone I really loved because I didn't want to be the one who stopped him from having a child.HOW I FEEL EVERY DAY, HOW I'M SCARED BECAUSE  I DON'T KNOW  WHAT I'M HERE FOR!....  Not having a kid kills me EVE-RY-DAY !!! SO DON'T EVER THINK AGAIN, EVER!!! THAT YOU CAN COMMENT ABOUT ME LIKE THAT AND MOSTLY ABOUT SOMETHING THAT SENSITIVE, THAT YOU DON'T KNOW A SHIT ABOUT OKAY?

She leaves, slamming the door behind her.

Norma: Oh my god, I didn't know she would take it like that...I feel so bad... this is not...

Court: ...How do you want her to feel when you basically tell her that she never really wanted a child cause otherwise, she would've had one. She's right Norma... You don't know her, you don't know her personal life or what she is going through every day. That was absolutely rude of you to say!

Brad: God!...I'm gonna call her, see where'd she go...

Court: Okay please tell me when you know....I've never seen her that angry with someone in my entire life. She never yells if it's not to laugh. She is usually so classy about comments, but I think that really pinched her, she never talks about it, she is always really private about this subject it's sensible to her...

Johnny: Oh my god I feel so bad for that...

Brad finally gets Jen on the phone who is still crying. He guesses it from the sound of her voice: Brad: Honey? Are you okay, where are you?

Jen: uhm...I'm almost back to the hotel...
Brad: Okay Johnny is gonna drop me by okay? I'm on my way
Jen: Alright... see you...
Brad: Yeah...

Brad finally gets back at the hotel. When he gets in the room, Jen is showered, in her pajamas covered by a blanket in the bed. Her eyes and her nose are completely red as she cried her eyes out. Brad doesn't say a word but just sits and pulls her in his arms.

Jen: I swear... sometimes it's just so hard...I don't like to talk about it, I think it's really private and it doesn't just concern me but also my partner. And... and she comes out of nowhere telling ME that I didn't really want a child. I mean.... Who does that ? It's so.... disrespectful.
Brad: I completely understand. It was absurd. But honey I didn't know that you got divorce because of that.
Jen: Well It's one of the reasons... there are other things too. I'm fine you know... It's just hard when people come on to you like that. I'm learning to accept the fact that... I will never be a mom. I know I tell people that being a mother doesn't define you as a woman but to me it's a need, a desire Brad.... And I can't have it....
Brad: I'm so sorry baby
Jen: It's fine.... I'll be fine...

Jen falls asleep in Brad's arms then Court calls to check on her. He then takes his shower and goes to bed next to her and pulls her in his arms.

Guys that chapter was really long, but I feel like I needed to talk about this subject, since it's something current in her life. I really wanted to see the different ways the « baby » thing could be here.

The truth about love (the story of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt)Where stories live. Discover now