Chapter 17

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"Holy shit I'm excited," I grin, jumping up and down.

"Me too girl!" Tiffany says joining in with me.

"You are stunting!" I hype up examining her outfit.

She has a bunch of layered up gold necklaces with a white tube top, denim jacket over her shoulders, camo pants, Jordan's, and rose tinted glasses.

"Your too sweet, babe, that dress is gorgeous," she compliments.

I am wearing my gold brandy melville hoops, black high top converse, and my princess polly dress.

I am wearing my gold brandy melville hoops, black high top converse, and my princess polly dress

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Its Saturday, the day the guys get back from tour. Tiffany and I havent seen them since three weeks ago and I just got off of college for Thankgiving break. Why we are dressed up so much, I honestly dont know.

"Eeek, I see the tour bus pulling into here!" Tiffany points out, giggling.

I shiver in my dress, excited but cold. Out of all the days California decides to be cold, its today and I never check the weather. Dumb move on my part.

The bus slowly turns into its parking spot before coming to a full stop. I hold out Tiffany's phone, that I took to film her reaction, and started to record.

Edwin exits the bus and both of them jog over to each other then kiss. I continue to film and then take pictures of how cute they are.

Brandon hops out of the bus and says, "Get a room!"

I laugh as Edwin flips Brandon off without breaking their kiss.

Soon they stop because Tiffany stands back and takes out my phone she stole to record me, "Watch this will be cute as hell."

Before I know it, Zion runs full speed at me and crushes me with a hug.

I laugh and states, "I've never seen you run so fast."

Zion puts be down from his hug and looks at my outfit, "You look beautiful, arent you cold tho?"

"Freezing my ass off," I admit, Tiffany still video taping apparently.

Zion slips off his Golf Wang goodie and hands it to me so I can pull it over. My dress is so small and the hoodie is so big that It looks like a hoodie dress.

I stand on my tippy toes and close my eyes to give a kiss to Zion.

I hear, Nick quote the vines, "why are you running," making both of us smile into the kiss, his hands places on my lower back.

We separate and I give all of them big hugs. After, Zion stands behind me, arms loosely wrapped around my waist, resting there, Tiffany and Edwin doing the same.

"Welcome back to Cali," I greet.

Nick yells, "FUCK YEAH BABY!" and drops to the ground to kiss it.

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