4 weeks left.

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"Please!" Tae cried for the millionth time.

"Sir, we'll try our best" the police officer said as he stood up and handed Tae some papers. "We will contact you if anything happens but you need to return to the hospital" the other police officer said as the nurses came forward and helped Tae to his feet.

It had been a week without Jimin and 3 days inside the hospital. Tae had just woken up today after having 15 panic attacks in a row. He was given medication to calm down and that first thing he asked was to find Jimin.

"Sir, would you like to call a family member?" The nurse asked once they entered his hospital room. He nodded and she quickly left to get the phone. The police had found his backpack not far from where they had found Tae, at the edge of the road.

"Here you go" she said as she handed Tae a phone, charged 100%. His hands shook as he lifted it to his face and searched for a contact.


He put it to his ears as the call went through, his heart began to race when he heard a familiar voice at the other end.

"H-hello?" The voice said, Tae's hands trembled as he tried to find the right words to say.

"Namjoon, please come get me" Tae said slowly. There was silence at the other end before he could hear something, Namjoon was crying.

"T-Taehyung, we've been looking everywhere for you guys, where are you right now?" He asked frantically.

Tae gave him the name and address of the hospital before hanging up. Even though they were coming to get him he would never be at ease until they found Jimin.

What would he do without Jimin? What would Jimin be doing right now? Was he okay? Was he even alive?

Tae sat in his bed, redressed in some clothes the hospital had given him, with his backpack at his side. He had pulled his cap over his head, with the assistance of a nurse due to a fractured wrist. He couldn't even remember fracturing anything or getting hurt, physically.

"It's over here" he could hear a voice say, it was Jungkook. He listened as the footsteps drew closer before he looked up to see 5 boys standing in front of him.

Jin, Jungkook and Hobi ran towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug while Yoongi and Namjoon stood there patiently, a smile on both their faces.

"How're you feeling?!" Jin asked as they sat around his bed, "fine" he replied as he thought of what had happened and that it was finally over. How he had gone to throw up but ended up being stranded in a forest for weeks.

"Taehyung we've been worried sick, we filed 6 missing persons reports for you and Ji-" Hobi said before stopping and looking around.

"Where is Jimin?" He asked, the boys stared at him silently as he felt a tear slip down his cheek.

"I-I lost him" he choked, Jin rushed to his side and comforted him while Jungkook stood there, mouth agape.

"It's okay! We'll find him, he's strong" Namjoon assured them. The boys nodded while Jungkook said nothing.

"How could you lose Jimin? Are you that selfish?" He asked after a few minutes. Tae stared at him, he didn't blame him. He had bags under his eyes, his eyes held no emotion.

"I-I'm sorry Jungkook" Tae croaked, he didn't mean for this to happen, it should have been Jimin here in his place. He didn't deserve any of this.

"Jungkook, lets step out and let Tae breathe, he's been through a lot" Jin said as he grabbed the younger's arm.

"Yeah, while Jimin is out there, probably...d-dead" Jungkook muttered before getting pulled out of the room.

One by one the boys walked out, Namjoon stayed behind with Tae just in case he fell while they were walking. It wasn't awkward between them anymore, especially after what had happened last year.

"Namjoon, do you still forgive me?" He asked, Namjoon looked at him before nodding and patting his back.

"Tae, I don't blame you. We were all teens, young and stupid" he replied as they neared the front desk. Tae smiled at him, he was glad Namjoon had forgiven him for what he had done in the past, if he was Namjoon he didn't know how he would react.

"Discharging Kim Taehyung" Namjoon said as he handed the woman a card with Tae's information. She nodded as she typed things into a computer before handing the card back.

"Please wait over there, the doctor wants to have a word with you before you leave" she said as she motioned over to the seats. Namjoon quickly called the boys to head home and that they would be a while.

"Dead body in the forest? We found a patient from in there a couple of days ago" a doctor said as he walked by them.

Dead body? please don't be Jimin.

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