10 weeks left.

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For the past week Tae had felt closer to Yoongi than any of the others, yes he had known the others longer but Yoongi and him shared similar feelings about the world, it seemed as if Tae might be able to trust someone after all.

"Here I bought these" Yoongi said as he entered the dorm. He threw chocolate bars towards Jimin, Jungkook and Tae as they were the youngest out of the 7.

The boys were all scattered around the dorm, day after day they would all gather at Yoongi and Jin's dorm before heading back to theirs late at night.

"Yo, some girl named Emily keeps asking me for your number" Jungkook said to Hobi. Hobi's cheeks turned red as he focused back on his math book, "cool" he replied trying to sound unfazed.

The boys burst into laughter as they all knew he was acting, his cheeks showed it all.

"Tae, you too" Jimin said as he looked at Jungkook. The room went silent as Jungkook tried to stop laughing while he was talking.

"Oh my god just say it" Tae said, growing frustrated. "Fine fine, some girl named Kiya is OBSESSED with you" he laughed.

Him? That was unusual. No one had ever cared for Tae, never cared for his existence let alone think he was attractive. It all seemed so unusual to Tae that he began to feel sick.

"They have this whole group" Jimin explained. "Yeah, I only know like 2 and one of them likes Namjoon" Jungkook said, laughing as if it was the funniest thing ever.

Namjoon went silent, he had always been shy but now he had turned beet red. "What was her name, M-Marsha or something" Jungkook said, scrunching his eyebrows trying to remember.

"How do you know all of this?" Jin asked from the kitchen. "Oh well Me and Jimin were sitting behind them in the library and they were talking about it, one likes Tae, one likes Hobi, one likes Namjoon and one likes Yoongi" Jungkook said proudly.

"Stop" Yoongi said, the room suddenly turned a bitter silent. Their laughter turned into confusion as Yoongi stood up. "Stop being dumb" he said as he walked into his room and shut the door behind him.

"What's his problem?" Jungkook asked, Jimin and Hobi shrugged their shoulders as they all returned to what they were doing. Tae was sure that Yoongi felt sick, just like Tae.

"Maybe if you would try to understand, it would make sense" Tae said quickly before grabbing his stuff and leaving. He was starting to get irritated by them always goofing off, so immature.

As Tae headed to his dorm he heard Jimin run up behind him. "T-Tae are you okay?" He asked, Tae nodded his head "I just need time alone" he said. Jimin nodded and patted Tae's shoulder before walking away.

(A/n: Jimin has a stutter in the book hence why he occasionally talks that way ex. "T-Tae")

"Call me if you need me!" He yelled from the end of the hallway, Tae nodded before turning back around.

He really needed time alone.

He had made friends, if that's what they're called, what even was the definition of "friend(s)"?

Someone who cares for you? Someone who would send their time with you? Someone who you feel comfortable with? Can joke around with? Was this the definition of friends?

It had been so long Tae had forgotten what it had felt like to laugh with someone without having a fear that they were planning something so sinister.

He had forgotten what it had felt like to have someone to talk to, to vent out to without them using it as a way of revenge, as a way to hurt him?

His stomach churned at the thought that maybe, just maybe, one of these boys might do the same? How could he be so sure?

After all, someone who he had known for years didn't hesitate to take what Tae treasured most so why would these boys care?

What if behind all of this Jimin was just acting like he was going to be there for Tae? What if Namjoon was just acting nice? What if Hobi was just acting happy to make Tae happy? What if Jin was just acting like he cared for Tae? What if Jungkook was just acting like a tough "little brother" to protect Tae?

What would Tae do then? He didn't want to lose everyone.

Thinking these thoughts made Tae feel more sick as each second went by. Please don't throw up he told himself.

Before he knew it, all the contents of his stomach were spilled out into the middle of the hallway.

He needed Jimin, he scrambled for his phone but couldn't find it.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked as it came closer

Tae looked up before his knees gave way as he fell to the floor.

"Tae! Are you okay?!" Taeil asked.

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