15 weeks left.

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"Do you wanna take a walk?" Jimin asked for what seemed like the 50th time.

Jimin was Tae's roommate and it had been a week since they met, so far Tae had tried to ignored him.

Classes hadn't fully started yet so he had a bit of homework but enough time to relax too, most of which was taken up by jimin's continuous noise and whining.

"No" Tae replied bluntly before turning his back towards to face the computer screen.

"Come on Tae, were gonna be roommates for a year just talk to me" He said as he crossed his arms and attempted to step in between Tae and his computer.

"Don't call me Tae and no" Tae mumbled before stuffing his schoolwork into his bag and slipping into his shoes.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked again, following Tae like a little puppy.

"Library" he muttered before shutting the door and releasing a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

He shook his head and put on some headphones as he made his way from Campus building 1 to building 2.

"Yo they're having a party in here, wanna join?" came a boys voice from behind him. Tae quickened his pace but the boy continued to talk to him.

"Wanna come or not?" The boy asked again.

Tae wanted to answer, wanted to feel like a normal college student for once but his mind wouldn't let him, it was like alarm bells throughout his brain warning him of approaching danger.

He started to break out into a sweat, just as he felt himself about to throw up, Jimin had rushed to his side and for once, he was thankful.

"He's not feeling well today, thanks for the offer man" Jimin said to the boy who shrugged and walked away.

Jimin held Tae up and walked him back to their dorm before heading to his bed and laying down.

Tae just stared blankly at the wall before he felt his eyes droop and soon he was fast asleep.

"Tae, Tae!" Jimin yelled as he shook him awake, as soon as Tae opened his eyes Jimin released a sigh of relief and clutched his chest.

"I thought you died" he said in a breathy voice before standing up. To be expected, usually Tae had a hard time waking up after one of his "anxiety attacks" as the doctor had called it.

"Eat something" Jimin said as he motioned towards the table which was already set with some toast and eggs.

"No thanks" Tae replied bluntly before heading to class. It's not that he hated Jimin, he just didn't want Jimin to think they were friends.

Just acquaintances.

Tae entered his classroom a good 20 minutes early, some students where lingering around while Tae went to find a seat.

He smiled to himself as he began to look around. "I can do this" he told himself as he decided he would try his best to fit in with others, be a normal college kid.

The room began to fill with students as many took their seats. Tae showed a small smile to those who passed by, but it dropped as soon as he saw Jimin enter the classroom. And make his way towards Tae.

"I brought you some food just incase you get hungry since you didn't have breakfast" Jimin explained as he handed Tae a small paper bag.

Tae shoved it into his bag quickly and turned to focus on the lesson which had just started.

Thought the lesson Tae found himself doodling or daydreaming, something he had tried so hard to stop this habit but it was impossible.

"THATS IT FOR TODAY! REMEMBER TO HAVE THE HOMEWORK DONE BY TOMORROW" the professor yelled as the class filled with voices and noise.

Tae had completely zoned out that he hadn't even heard what the homework was, he figured he'd just ask Jimin tonight.

"Hey man, feeling better?" A voice said beside Tae, he turned to face the boy from yesterday.

Again, Tae could feel himself shaking. "I got this" he told himself, as he was about to open his mouth, "he has an appointment right now" Jimin said quickly as he began to pull Tae away.

The boy and his group of friends went silent, some snickers came from the back of the room. Tae felt himself turn red in embarrassment and yanked his arm out from Jimin's grip.

"WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE? WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH ME?!" Tae yelled before storming out. As he was about to leave he turned back and wished he hadn't.

Jimin stood there, absolutely still. A tear slipping down his cheek.

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