Chapter 1

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"People fall in love unexpectedly" they say but that's just the problem I don't want to fall in love because as you know "everything that falls get broken".

My mom fell in love once and it broke her, destroyed her. The man she fell in love with was a monster, he was filled with greed he, he caused her pain, he broke her.
All she ever wanted was happiness but he brought her sadness but she always had a positive outlook on life she always told me to never give up on love just because she had bad luck with love doesn't mean I would have the same luck as she did,she always to me to never give up on love She was and still is my icon even though she's dead she will always be alive in my heart.

"Krystal... wake up. Its you're first day at work" my aunt Julia called out. I groaned it's so hard being a grown up I wish I was a child again but ehh what's done is done. I'm all grown up now.
I got dressed and rushed towards the kitchen and gave my aunt a peck before storming off in order to get a cab. 'Wouldn't want to be late for my first day of work' I thought to myself.

Finally I arrived at my destination KNIGHTS INTERNATIONAL. I wanted have my own company, i studied business and management in school but i need a capital and we were flat broke so i had to start from somewhere and i was lucky to find a job at knights international. i was to be working here as an event planner/interior decorator. I had a little knowledge about decorating and event planning but who was I to complain it paid well so I couldn't reject it i needed the money plus I wanted to show my appreciation to my aunt who had taken me in after everything that happened I don't want to go into details. She's a blessing in disguise to me I love her so much, she took me in when everyone else abandoned me and left me high and dry. It was a horrible experience for me. Its something that I can't forget but it is what makes me stronger.

"Hello I am Krystal and I am looking for Mrs Jones... I'm the new event planner" I said to the receptionist. "Hello I'm Stephanie and Mrs Jones offices is on the 3rd floor" she replied with a smile.

I walked into Mrs Jones office but was greeted by a friendly looking guy, did I mention hot too " Hello I'm Krystal I'm looking for Mrs Jones I was told that this was her office." I said and he smiled and gave me a once over and replied "Hi I'm Nigel, you're in the right office but I'm afraid Mrs Jones no longer works here and I'm her replacement. So state your business and I'll attend to you"

"I'm the new event planner and I was told to see Mrs Jones to give me my schedule" I said in a professional voice

He pulled out an envelope and I left his office to go look for mine, as soon as i found it I got so busy with work that I didn't realize that it was lunch time. Exiting the elevator I bumped into someone, looking up to see who it was I saw Mr Nigel and an unfamiliar face. I apologized and scurried off

After a long day of doing paper work the day had finally come to an end and I was finally free to go see the most important thing in my life my bed. I smiled at the thought.
Exiting the building I bumped into a now familiar figure, I looked up to apologize but he snapped "must you behave like a piece shit."
I was astonished by this sudden outburst so I did what any logical person would do In my situation would do. I slapped him hard and gave him an icy glare and walked away while he stood there looking dumbfounded.

Waking up the next day, I wished and hoped that I wouldn't be unfortunate to bump into a certain someone but unfortunately he was literally the first person i saw as soon as i entered the building
"Wait up" the now familiar voice called out and I turned around and came face to face with the son of a bachelor.
As of now head were turning towards our direction. "Goodmor-"

"Save it, I want to know who gave you the right to do what you did yesterday" he said through gritted teeth

Well seems like he wanted to continue the arguments from last night. I smiled and turned to walk away but a firm grip held me in place, there were gasps everywhere which I ignored because this tyrant was irritating me

"Well kind sir I did... you had absolutely no right to behave like that, I am a respectable young woman and I demand respect for I did not throw myself at you in a way, it was a fucking accident" I said seething, I'm pretty sure I could see the smoke coming out of me

The next thing I know I'm being dragged out of there and into the elevator and soon we were inside an office. The man of the hour locked the door and turned around

"do you know who I am? " he questioned

"Am I supposed to?" I asked

He smirked "I am a very powerful man and you shouldn't mess with me" he said arrogantly

I was about to start speaking when all of a sudden he kissed me. For the life of me I couldn't understand why he was kissing me and as for why I was kissing him back was a total mystery to me, breaking the kiss I looked at him to say something but he interrupted me.


'oh snap... say what now'

dun dun dun ... so what do you think?        if you like the story please comment and vote , share I'd really appreciate it . dont forget you guys make the the story better so please comment and thank you for giving my book a shot

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