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Hoseok's POV

I loved noise.

...because I was one too.

But too much hurt my ears.

"Hobi? Saying it's too loud?" Haejeul held her stomach in amusement. "Are you talking to yourself?"

It's weird, though true. Nonetheless, it has been a habit of mine to be more quiet. There's also good in silence. I could think a lot of things, either good and bad. It has taught me to shut my mouth for once.

"Everyone set?" The sudden instruction brought me out of my trance and looked straight ahead of me. The bus back to Tokyo was already here. My stay in Hokkaido only lasted for two days and a night which I didn't get to spend wisely because of some drama.

Replies of agreement came from the other tourists beside me have tiredly said. They sure were exhausted with their vacation while here I was, wasting my money for nothing at all.

After a short while, all of us have finally found their respective seats inside the vehicle before everyone else seemed to have toned down to catch up with their sleep.

"You don't look tired at all, Hoseok." Megumi flashed a bright smile, which I gladly returned back.

"I did what you told me to do."

"Ahhh, so you and the girl made up huh." Her eyebrows raised in a teasing manner. "Have you guys hooked up yet or--"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, WHERE IS THIS TOPIC HEADING OFF TO?" I whisper-shouted at her, making her laugh quietly as to not wake up the sleeping passengers.

She waved her hand in surrender, "Relax, I was kidding. Just trying to lighten up the mood, jeez."

I calmed down, heaving a sigh of relief, "I'm just glad our talk went well in the end and we made up." She suddenly noticed I froze, thinking.


I faced her, "Now I don't know what to do. What's next then?"

"Why are you asking me that again? Am I your love adviser or something?"

"You told me what to do before and it was good idea! I'll always believe in what you say now!" I reasoned out, forming an aegyo expression to soften her heart.

Megumi scratched her head in response, "Aish, it's pretty simple."

"Just go with the flow and see how it turns out with your friendship."

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