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Hoseok's POV

I was oblivious to the things around me.

It was a trait of mine that will never disappear. I can't always focus on one thing.

ADHD, in a literal sense.

I was always fascinated with a lot of objects or people that caught my attention. I don't hate, just appreciate.

"Tell me, what's really going on between you and the girl you're hooking up with tonight?" the woman in front of me adjusted my bow tie quickly, straightening my coat too in the process.

The man in the mirror wasn't me. It was a complete opposite of me ages ago. Megumi had agreed to help me with my suit at the friendly dinner later with Nanami. I was nervous as hell so I immediately called her.

"It's just dinner. There's nothing going on between us and besides, I'm still getting to know her." I explained with another sigh.

Her eyebrows wiggled teasingly, "Well, we both know where your friendship will end up anyway."

"Aish! You just have to side on with my friends who also says that!"

"Because it's true." Megumi winked for the last time before pushing me towards the door and to my car. "Now go enjoy the night."

"Don't let Cinderella slip away from your hands."


My feet wouldn't stop moving as I waited at the front porch of her college dorm. 

Palms sweating, hands shaking.

It felt like our first date.

"Sorry to make you wait." Footsteps brought me out of my trance, making my head look up to the girl in front of me.

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She was beautiful in her pastel orange dress that complimented my sleek black suit. Nanami really slayed it tonight.

"You look amazing." I complimented her, offering a hand as she walked down the steps and guiding her to the passenger seat of the convertible.

"Likewise." She said back and made herself comfortable.

Once I ignited the engine, she asked, "So where are headed, Mr. Jung?"

"Ms. Sato, I believe it's for me to know and for you to find out."


this is hoseok's outfit btw.

your welcome ;-)

your welcome ;-)

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Hope Less || JUNG HOSEOK ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant