Perfect Fit

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"If you won't do it, I will."

More often than not, Jimin wonders if it's just him being too judgemental or if Taehyung is actually on crack. He looks down at his hands, fingers stretched out to sport the glamourous ring. He thinks of keeping it, but shakes the thought away. The ring fits perfectly. It'll be too small.

"I'm telling you, his fingers are big, I would know.", Jimin says.

"Well yeah, since your kinky ass is into overstimula-", the retort is shut down with a angry stare from Jimin.

"No time for jokes Tae, I need comfort."

"Aww, it's gonna be fine. We'll find you another man when your soulmate says no." As Jimin gasps in disbelief, his friend bursts out laughing, earning the attention of the rest of the cafe.

"I'm leaving.", he huffs. Taehyung chuckles again, grabbing his friends hand. "You're an idiot, y'know that? He loves you. It'll be the best. Pretty sure you'll both end up crying your eyes out.", he consoles. That makes Jimin smile.

"You think?"

"Yeah. I have faith in you both. Always rooted for my sentimental shitbags." Taehyung grins. "Stop fretting over the ring, he's a twenty-two year college senior, not a giant."

"Jungkook has fat fingers though."

"That's your lovely soon-to-be fiancé."

"Shut up."


The restaurant they booked is marvelous, the shiny royal gold lights blending perfectly with the navy blue sky. Jimin had tried to shake it off, but he's still jittery. His palm sweats in Jungkook's hand, as he leads them inside. "You okay?", the younger turns to him, slowing their pace. Jimin's heart melts at the concern in his expression, assuring his boyfriend that he's okay as they reach their table.

Jungkook pulls the chair out for Jimin, like he always does. "I love this place. How'd Joon-hyung even afford the land?" Jungkook's exclaim makes him look out of place, his otherwise fancy outfit of tucked-in salmon shirt and black pants earning him enough assiduity from the waitresses.

Jimin shrugs. "You never know with him. Persuasive as hell." He doesn't miss the way his boyfriend's eyes lit up everytime he adjusts his blouse, most of his collarbone on display for the world to see.

For Jungkook to see.

"You look beautiful today." Jimin smiles, his heart warming at the compliment. "Thanks for dressing me up, bun. Though the leather pants are a bit tight." Jungkook snorts at his pain stricken face. "You're welcome, hyungie.", he teases.

Jimin hates that name. Smacking his hand, he tells Jungkook to order for the both of them while he excuses himself to the powder room. When he frowns, Jimin kisses the crown of his head and tells him to relax. "Be back in a minute. Remember, you're not allowed meat for another week." Jimin could hear his whines as he leaves.

The bathrooms are just as magnificent as the rest of the building. The cabinet doors are aligned with mirrors glued above the curved taps, bubbly warm and cold water rushing down on pure white bowls of ceramic. The sink's polished surface is almost as blinding as the clarity of the giant rectangular mirrors. The lighting is gold here too, adhering to the theme of the infrastructure.

Not that Jimin gives a damn though. Too focused on his quick breathing, he checks his pulse. Too fast. He supposes losing his bearings now will only ruin it, splashing his face with cold water repeatedly in hopes of calming his racing mind.

"My love, be my wif- No, ew!"

"Kookie our bond is- Ahh no."

"Ahem. My beloved friend- Yeah, call your almost fiancé a friend, great idea Jimin!"

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