Who's boss

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"Are you sure I'm doing this right?"

"Ah..oh my god- yes! Keep going jesus christ don't stop!", Jimin groused.

"Holy shit Jiminie, continue making those noises and Jungkook will have my head!". Whatever Taehyung had been doing, he pauses.

"No no no no! Why'd you stop idiot?! Tae I swear to god I need this right now-"

"I've been tickling your foot for-", he looks up at the wall clock in Jimin's humungous bedroom, "seventeen minutes. My fingers have started to smell and no offense, but I'm a little weirded out.", Taehyung face is contorted in disgust. They both know it's an act though. Cause Jimin smells too damn good. Even his feet.

Jimin sighs, bending down to remove his socks. The duvet slides onto the carpet. Taehyung notices.

"You gonna pick that up?", he lifts a perfectly thick eyebrow, already moving to pick up the sheet. Deciding to humour his friend, Jimin replies with a derisive "nope".

They're hanging out in Jimin's apartment. It's not common for the employees at Thesis Gem private limited to get a work day off, but sleeping with the boss has it's pros. Jimin would know.

"Kook is gonna be mad. You promised him that you would send out all the emails. Have you?", Taehyung's tone is smug, all too knowing.

"Oh shut up, I'll do it. Besides, I'm not the only one on a guilty holiday. You're supposed to work too."

"I published all the drafts last night.  Procrastination is your sin, not mine."

"Ugh, fuck off."

Jimin was supposed to be in his office, doing his job. But thanks to his overprotective boyfriend, he's here in his room with Taehyung on a weekday, passing time doing god knows what. Questionable stuff, Taehyung thinks Jungkook would call it.

Jimin wasn't too keen when Jungkook had told him to stay home cause he looked and he quotes 'feverish', but considering he was his boss, Jimin didn't think twice before obliging. Caring as he was, Jeon Jungkook was still his employer and couldn't disturb the workflow. So with a sweet kiss and a promise to complete a small chunk of work from home, Jimin had headed back.

As a bonus, Jungkook had given Taehyung a day off as well. He figured Jimin would feel better with his best friend around. Jimin's heart swells at the reminder.

"It's almost 19:00. He'll be back soon. Said he'll get off early for you.", Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows at his friend, a sparkle in his eyes.

Normally, he would've blushed, but their relationship was far from normal and Jimin has yet to complete his task. Shit, for once Taehyung is right. Jungkook will definitely be angry. There's less than an hour left. He won't finish.

Jimin looks up at him, eyes pleading.

"Oh no, don't give me that look. No! I am not gonna- JIMIN LET GO OF MY PANTS!"

"NO TAE YOU'VE GOT TO HELP ME DUDE, IF HE FINDS OUT I DELAYED IT AGAIN HE'S GONNA LOOK ALL CONDESCENDING AND SMUG AND GOD FORBID I'M GONNA WANNA KILL HIM SO FOR THE SAKE OF MY CLEAN POLICE RECORD HELP M-". It is then that they hear the rattling sound of keys. In a flash, the door opens and whatever words Jungkook had wanted to speak, never come out. He freezes, mouth partly open as he takes in the sight of his lovely boyfriend clutching his friends pants.

For a solid minute, no-one moves. Then, seemingly accessing the situation, Jungkook closes his mouth and lifts an eyebrow.

"What did I miss?"

Where is the duvet to cover his face when he needs one? Slowly, Jimin lets go of Taehyung's pant leg, rising to his feet and clearing his throat.

"Hey bos-babe-I mean-". Great, can the ground swallow him up now. His cheeks are on fire. God, how much is he gonna humiliate himself?!

Behind him, Taehyung snickers, which earns him a long pinch just below his crotch.


Jungkook shakes his head. Leave it to the duo to act like dumb children. He looks handsome in his work clothes; white shirt and black slacks, his suit jacket tied to his waist as usual. He stalks towards Jimin, lifting his right hand and cupping his cheek.

"How're you feeling?", his voice is gentle, just like his eyes. Jimin feels himself getting redder involuntarily. He's always had that effect on him, flustering him by just looking at his eyes. Jungkook's fingers are calloused but warm against his cheeks.

"I'm okay.", he manages to mumble in his flustered state. Jungkook's expression still looks worried, his other hand raising too, holding Jimin's face in his palms.

"You sure? Didn't I tell you to rest? It doesn't look like you did.", his gaze turns to Taehyung, voice showing a hint of amusement.

"Hey! I may be a rascal, but he's the rowdy one.", Taehyung says, voice a bit louder as he defends himself.

"What did you just call me?!", Jimin angrily turns towards his friend, with his boyfriends hands on him still. His cheeks are a bit squished.

Taehyung chuckles. Jimin growls. "You fucking.. ". He pounces.

Or at least tries to.

Because Jungkook's muscled arms are holding him back, coiled tightly around his waist. "Now now, this is no time for your childish antics babe. I have a certain boyfriend to look after, and you have work to finish, don't you?". Jimin would've preferred if Jungkook didn't say that with his lips right in front of his ears. He shivers.

"Yeah, okay. I don't wanna third wheel.. So, I'll just take off. Hoseok's making dinner tonight. I gotta catch that burnt kitchen.", Taehyung winks. Putting on his coat, he strolls towards the door where his boots lie, each shoe upside down and for some reason, far apart from each other.

He puts on his shoes and leaves, not before turning back and shouting. "Use protection kids!"

"YOU FUCKINM MASMBHA BLABLABLA—", Jimin's voice fades away as Taehyung closes the door behind him, leaving the both of them alone in the apartment.

It's quiet for awhile. Jimin just standing in the middle of his drawing room with Jungkook cradling him from behind like a baby.

He hears Jungkook sigh, burying his face into Jimin's neck. Jimin lets him, a sigh of contentment leaving his lips as well. "About those emails-".

"If you think threatening to fire me is good foreplay, I'd like to end this relationship."

Jungkook's hold on him tightens as he chuckles. "I thought you said it's hot?", he murmurs. Jimin can feel his boyfriends smirk dig into his skin. He huffs, his face pink.

"Shut up, it's not. You're not sexy. Try harder.", he grumbles.

Jungkook doesn't even have it in him to feign hurt, laughing so hard that Jimin feels his chest vibrating against him. He can taste the heat radiating from him through the thin fabric of his Sunday pajamas. He loves it when Jungkook holds him. It's silly, but like this, he feels like he could conquer the whole world.

"I was about to tell you that I sent out the mails today afternoon. I've gotten kind-of better at predicting your actions. You shouldn't be slacking, Mr Park. You may get in trouble." Jungkook says, his voice sultry.

Jimin sqeaks, blushing like a maniac as Jungkook turns him around, kissing him with an intensity that gets his world spinning.

"Shall we get to your treatment, Mr Park?", Jungkook whispers as he pulls back an inch, lips hovering over Jimin's.

Wrapping his arms around his neck, Jimin pulls Jungkook in for another heated lip lock, before whispering.

"Yes please."

Kindly overlook my pathetic attempts at humour in this chapter. I truly tried. I'm a big fan of the secretary and boss trope,  Storm and Silence being one of my favorite books of all time! I just had to write it  >_<

Have you ever been caught in a lie? 👀

As always, votes, comments and shares shall be appreciated! Thanks for reading ♡

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