Looking out for him $^

Start from the beginning

All the Lads smiled and laughed

"You better not run from us, Nialler! You are to stay close" Louis teased and Niall laughed.

"Yes, daddy! I will be fine. I'm ready for this!" He responded as the car came to a stuttering halt.

As soon as the Lads got out of the car, cameras and lights followed them everywhere. They finally reached the place on the red carpet where they all would pose for pictures. First they made sure Niall was ok. Niall laughed it off several times. Niall was quickly move with the crutches.

Niall was sitting at the table with his lads when he noticed Harry leave during one of the breaks. Their first award that they were nominated for would be in just a few minutes. Niall hoped Harry would be back in time, whenever he was going. Niall glanced towards Liam as he once filled his glass up with wine. Niall's knee was not hurting him right now and he was thankful.

Time to announce who won the Global Success Award, and the Lads' names were announced as all of them except for Harry got up. All the boys stepped up to the stairs, Liam taking the lead as Niall was right behind him. Before Niall could step up, he felt a strong comforting, yet firm hand on his back. Glancing back he realized it was Zayn, smiled gently and slowly made his ways up the five steps. When all four of the Lads had made it onto the stage, the older three made sure the blonde was perfectly fine. Louis had been searching for the Curly haired, as Liam started talking and making a joke about missing a curly-haired one. Zayn had glanced to make sure Niall was fine. Niall had started to search for Harry in the crowd, laughing several times when Liam would make a joke. Finally Harry join them, making Niall laugh once more, before he moved over wincing just a little bit. Louis and Zayn helped Niall off the stage and back to their sets.

Time went on, the Lads were having fun. Liam kept pouring more wine in his glass. Niall just wishing he could, but since he was on pain meds still, he didn't need to have some. Anyways the Lads wouldn't let him. James Corden had come over to talk to Lads off during one of the breaks before doing an interview on live TV. NIall was thankful to be sitting down, his knee had started to act up again. He had bend down when James had left, and started to rub his knee.

"Nialler, you ok?" Harry whispered as he notice Niall rubbing his knee.

"It's getting sore." Niall said truthfully.

Before Harry could reply the announcement for Best British Video were next. Of coarse the boys won and this time Harry had help Niall up not before Zayn asked once more

"You sure your okay getting up again Niall?" Zayn asked quietly, under his breath.As he went beside Niall and Harry.

"I'm fucking fine..." Niall said breathlessly, he slowly made his way to the stage and at the steps the five boys made their way up the stairs with Niall in between them. Which thankful cause no one to see that Niall had trip. Quickly grabbing Liam's shirt. Liam had glance back only to Zayn and Harry had helped Niall while Louis look on worriedly.

Liam had once again started to do the thanks, until he handed it to Niall. Niall had firstly thank James and told him that he was doing a great job. As Niall finished up saying things, Zayn had put his hand on Niall's lower back to help Niall stand better. After the speech, the Lads started to head back to their table.

"You okay NIall?" The host asked after the boys had started to step down the stairs.

Niall had smiled and whispered a Yes, but as he stepped down the stairs using his crutches. Niall nodded and smiled at Louis who was helping him down. Everyone's attention was back at the stage so when Niall tripped, fell, and bent his knee awkwardly no one noticed not even the lads. Thank goodness. They all would have started to mother hen and all.

After the award show was finished, the Lads had their picture taken with their two awards and then had an interview. Niall had some trouble getting up the stairs, but quickly moved his crutches to make it seem like nothing was wrong.

As the boys made their way to their final photo shootings, Niall handed his crutches to Paul, who gave him a questionable glance. Don't need them Niall mouthed.
The Lads noticed that Niall didn't have his crutches. Making a note to question him about it later, the Lads wrapped their arms around Niall to keep him upwards.

"Nialler you okay up there?" Liam called as him and others were headed back into the car to head home.

"I am fine. How many times are you lads going to ask me?" Niall complained as he handed Harry the crutches as they all got into the car.

"We are just making sure you are fine. Don't want to you to be in pain." Harry said.

"I just had knee surgery, of course I am going to have little pain everyday." Niall snap.

"You knee is swollen, babe." Zayn said as searched the limo for a pack of ice. Finally finding it, he place it on Niall's knee.

Hissing at the coldness and pain, Niall lend on Louis. "Sorry I snapped at you lads. My knee is really killing me."

"Babe, you should have told us." Liam spoke as he brush Niall's hair with his hands.

"I'm sorry," Niall mumbled as he started to fall asleep on Liam.

Niall had passed out before the Lads got to his home. Taking him in and staying with him for the next month to make sure he was perfectly fine. I think Niall was ready for when he could jump and run without the mother hens bothering him. Niall was ready for the Tour so the Lads could worry about something else.

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