Chapter 91 Father

Start from the beginning

He smashs into the ground breaking my iron skin and the moss rips from our bodies.


I turn around

Loki:It was meant too.

He goes to stab me with a dark sword but I roll out the way

Loki:You wont win this one on one.

Ash:I can damn sure tr...

Something tackles me in the side I roll through debris and rock and finally skid to a stop


I slowly pick myself up now covered in wounds.

Ash:The hell was tha....

I see leten

Ash:Ah no....

Leten:You fools seem to have made quite the mess!

Loki:Im not here for you abomination but I will slay both of you if needed.

Leten:You gonna *chuckle* you....Your gonna "slay" me?! HAAHAHAHAHAHA!

Leten falls on the floor laughing


Leten:YOU SHIT STAIN *snort* KILL ME?!


He goes to stab leten and leten grabs his data sword

Leten:Dont make me laugh....

Loki:You wont be doing anything in a second...

He sets the sword on fire in letens hands

Leten:Ive been shot by cannons you think this hurts?

I shoot an opticor at the loki taking off his arm



A tendril rips into lokis head and leten procedes to tear him in half

Loki:A miscalculation....but you dont have enough energy to kill us..not forever..

Loki reforms

Loki:You cannot kill a shell. We could wipe out your race so sit aside.

Leten:No can do.

Loki:Seems foolish to fight a losing battle!

Leten pounces at loki and leten impales loki with a tendril

Loki:How about this?

A beam of light blows off letens upper half

Loki:not so talkative now are yea...

I blow off lokis head with my opticor. He puts his hand to the ground a I see a light under me


I roll to the side but it still knicks my arm

Ash:I cant take all these injuries!

Leten regrows and forms and imfested minigun

Leten:Eat shit...

As he unloads the gun loki vanishs


Leten:Where did that bastard go?

Something steps on my back


He picks me up by my head.

Loki:Little bastard!

He fires a shotgun round into my back

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