Chapter II

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(AN: so not the best chapter in the word buuuut, Ive been neglecting to update lately.....hopefully there aren't to many mistakes! Anyways its late, gnight my peeps!)

I looked over to the digital clock on the oak night stand, 2AM. Everyone had been able to fall asleep within seconds. It has been hours and I still couldn't fall asleep, stupid Stephan. All my mind seemed to do was fill with thoughts of him; his voice, his eyes, everything about him made my wolf obsess over. He just didn't like looking weak yesterday, that's way he glared. I'm sure of it. My wolf reasoned. We just needed to clear our head, no way Mr. Dominance actually liked us after his attitude.

Rolling out of the rather plush bedding, I slowly placed my feet on the cold ground. Making my way over to my suitcase I pulled my training clothes out; a blue tank top and some grey spandex yoga Capri pants. I quickly took a cold shower, hoping it would clear my head for now. I finished my showering routine and walked out of my temporary room. Looking up and down the halls I made sure no one else was up. I just need a couple hours of training is all, that should clear my head.

After going down the stairs with ninja strides, I took two left turns and walking fifteen steps, yes I counted, I was at the door where I had beaten a certain Alpha. Closing the door, I looked around the room finding various workout equipment that I hadn't seen the previous day. Weights ranging from 5 pounds to 90, different bars bolted to walls or hanging from the ceiling for chin ups, treadmills, stationary bikes, many punching bags, and of course the wrestling ring.

Deciding I should start with an arm workout I picked up a fifty-pound dumbbell and started my rep. I kept lifting until both my arms felt like they would fall off, then moved to the bikes. I adjusted the bike strength and put it on the hardest it could go; it took my legs a second before they could petal with ease. After an hour of pushing my legs on the bike, I thought it wasn't helping clear my head. Putting tape on my knuckles I started some test swings at the punching bag, wondering if it could hold my full punch. I threw punches at it swiftly and with force, hoping that with enough strength I could forcibly push the thoughts of him that clouded my mind.

Over the next hour I had replaced five punching bags because I had hit it so hard that the bags split in half. Thankfully the pack had thousands of spares in the gyms closet. My wolf was tense, extremely tense to be exact which was causing me to get agitated quicker. I growled for the fifth time in the past minute, finally I had had enough. You want to do this?! FINE, let's go for a run then! I growled at my wolf, my eyes again turning the bright red. I rushed through the back door, not caring if I made too much noise, I didn't even make it to the first step before I was shifting. All this pent up tension my wolf was pushing on me finally took its toll, Stephan had affected us more than I would like to admit. If he hadn't been such an ass I might have actually slept! Or maybe if my wolf didn't constantly put sickeningly sweet thoughts of him in my mind. I growled, leaning back before I shot off towards the forest that surrounded the pack house.

When my wolf was finally relaxed it was about five or six, judging by the sun already setting. This was all because of him, if he wasn't so irresistible than I wouldn't have a problem with it. No matter how hard I tried to push him out of there she pulled him right back in, so I just accepted the images after a couple hours......though if I were to talk to him face to face I'm not sure I'd be able to resist. Stupid hormones.

During my little rant to myself, I had started to run back home. Wait, did I just say home. Holy crap, I think I'm going crazy! I stopped near a little lake about a couple hundred miles away to take a drink, when I heard distant howls coming from the pack house, my ears perked up. As more howls of panic came, I found myself unable to stop as I ran towards the house. I made it back to the house within seconds. When I made it past the trees I saw a tiny grey wolf whimpering as Gretchen whispered in its ear softly while stroking its head.

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