Jungkook knee exactly what he would do. Jin would break. He'd lose all sense of purpose without Jungkook and-

Jungkook flinched when he heard footsteps approach him.






A couple more steps anD Namjoon would be right behind him. His ears twitched at hearing a quiet "where is it...." Was he looking for something? Maybe a gun?

As tempted as Jungkook was to turn around, his body kept him grounded in place. Jungkook's hands turned clammy as he remembered the small pistol Yoongi gave him, secured snuggly beneath the waistband of his pants. He gulped, the hairs on the back of his neck sticking straight up as his mind raced. He was able to hear the rustling of clothes and then a quick click. Oh my god, he's going to fucking kill me!

"Jungkook-ah. There's a lot of things I need to tell you. To get off my chest but I'm scared that if I do..." Namjoon stopped walking "...you'll judge me and not see me the same and I...I don't know what I'd do without you supporting me by my side. You're someone in my life who hasn't left yet.. So...I'm going to say something and prove it afterward so you know I'm not making anything up." The sound of another click set the warning alarms in Jungkook's head to go off and he began to chew on the inside of his cheek, hearing the footsteps get closer.

"Kook..I'm sorry I haven't been completely honest with you and I'm sorry it's come to this-"

In a swift second, Jungkook grabbed the gun at his waist and quickly spun around, pointing it at Namjoon, whose eyes widened. He froze in the middle of stepping, eyes glued to the gun in Jungkook's hands, which trembled, never having experience with even holding one of these. He swallowed, brushing his lips with his tongue in the process. "No. N-no... Stay right there, Joon-hyung."

"What..." Namjoon held both hands up, one hand holding some rectangular papers while the other held a plastic container. Where was the gun? Jungkook waved the gun to the right in a slow motion. "Wh-where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"The gun. Where's the gun?"

"Jungkook, what are you talking about?"

"Just show me the damn gun, Namjoon!" Jungkook said as his grip was tightening on the gun. He took shaky breaths, eyes not leaving Namjoon for a second. Namjoon just stared back, rolling his shoulder.

"Jungkook. I don't have a gun. Please....lower that gun. I promise I don't have a gun." Namjoon lowered his hands as if signaling Jungkook to do the same. Jungkook stood frozen there for a moment before gulping, slowly lowering the gun. But not all the way.

You have him where you need him. Jungkook gulped and inhaled sharply. "What happened that night, Namjoon. What happened the night you disappeared. A-and don't bother lying to me. He-he already told me. I want to hear it from you." Of course Yoongi didn't tell him, no one but Namjoon knew. But he needed to find a way to convince the other there was no way out of this.

Because his confidence definitely wasn't a good factor at showing he wasn't playing.

"......I was irresponsible at a club that I attended some months ago. And I...may have been drugged. But the only reason i attended the party was because my partner was there..."

"Your partner...? Joon, you've had a girlfriend this entire time?" Jungkook questioned, irritated that he never knew and suddenly his mind was caught off guard with that secret.

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