Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sorry it's been like forever and a day guys. This is the slowest book I've ever written. I've been wanting to give up on this damn thing for like ever. But I need to power through and finish it before I can start the rewrite to make it so much better than it started.

Dantè's POV.

Carlo paced the stone floor in front of me, the switch blade still in the hand that now clung to his dark hair, "Untie you? You really think I should untie you knowing the training you've had, the training we did together?" Carlo laughed, "I'm not a fucking idiota."

He was frantic enough to have me in a slight panic, "Okay, okay."I tried to calm him, "Then call her Carlo. Tell her you know she killed Roberto, gauge her reaction." I wasn't sure he was going to fall for it. But I knew his relationship with his father had been air tight, the only person the cold hearted man had ever shown love to was Carlo, his only son and heir. He cared little for Liliana, only thought her useful for marrying into another powerful and wealthy family.

All she had been to him was a way to grow his wealth, and she hated him for that. Enough to murder him. She had wanted the family business, even got a business degree to prove to her father she was the better child for the position. Once Roberto signed it away to Carlo, she had lost it.

He scoffed, "I'll do one better. Ed, go get Liliana." My heart raced. His right hand man nodded his head curtly, and took off.

Carlo continued to pace. The silence deafening. I hadn't known she were around, I had figured once she found out I'd been held captive she'd have run, afraid I would spill the beans. Because I knew it all, all her dirty little secrets, for years now. Sitting on them until it was time to save my own damn life. With every second that ticked by Carlos looked more and more distraught.

Eventually Liliana and who I now knew as Ed walked back into the badly lit warehouse, her eyes were buggy and sunken in, she looked paranoid as fuck and I knew she was coked out of her mind. I wasn't sure if that'd buy me time, or if it made her even more reckless. A desperate person had little to lose. Her eyes shifted from Carlo to me, a flash of something I once recognized filled them, but only for a brief moment before pure rage overtook her once beautiful features. I couldn't help but to compare her to Mia and I found myself wondering what I ever saw in Liliana to begin with.

"What's going on, brother? You still haven't shot this asshole in the head yet?" She asked venomously, big browns shooting daggers at me. If looks could kill, I'd have been dead the second she walked into the room.

Carlo swept his gaze to her calmly and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, "Dantè has been loose lipped, Lili. He's been saying some pretty incriminating shit about you, sister."

Liliana switched her weight from one foot the other, darting back and forth between the two of us, "And what might that be?" She tried play dumb, tried to keep her own calm. She had always been quite well at that particular act, but this time, not so much. My heart slowed just a fraction before I reminded myself that they were still brother and sister, and that this could still end badly for me.

"Little Dantè here says you've been stealing product, replacing it with fentanyl and keeping the rest for yourself. Says that you plan on going off on your own."His smile at her was one I'd seen before, one that told you you'd be safe telling him the truth just so he could slit your throat later.

She shifted feet again, "And you believe the asshole? Let me ask you this, Carlo, would you trust him over me? Your own sister?" The beating noise from my chest quickened and pounded inside my ears.

Carlo smiled that sly smile of his that didn't reach his eyes. "That's a ridiculous question, sorella." His voice dipped, deadpanned "You know I trust no one."

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