Chapter Twelve

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Mia's POV

He never did call that night, or the next morning, and I couldn't help but sit and think that maybe it was all a show. You know, the important call and all? How many times had I used that with my friends while out on blind dates? The whole, "Get-me-the-fûck-out-of-here call.

I knew my body was sub-par at best. And honestly wouldn't really doubt he'd just been sparing my feelings.

Thankfully having Julian around left hardly any time at all to sit and dwell on the negative all day. But Samantha was back again with, "Day wine" as she called it, and I could hardly get my mind off Dantè. I really could never get her out of my house. Plus, who the fûck drank wine at four in the afternoon?

"Oh come on you big pussy, it's five o'clock somewhere, right?" She whined.

I rolled my eyes; something I did a lot around her, and took the bottle. "You wanna chill it for a bit?" I asked.

"Yeah, we should at least wait until J goes to sleep. Lord knows you're a lightweight and I could out drink a fish."

She probably could. I put the bottle in the fridge and gave a small snicker because it sat next to a pumped bottle of breast milk for Julian.

"So why the hell you moping around, Mia?" Samantha hollered from the living room.

I hadn't even noticed I was portraying a disappointed expression until she had said something. I'd been trying so hard all day not to even think about why he wasn't calling. Don't get me wrong it wasn't like I had feelings for him or anything, for Christ sakes I'd just met the guy. And like I'd promise myself I wouldn't get too involved, or too attached. But being the first time I'd been with anyone sexually after Logan, I couldn't stop thinking about if It was as good for Dantè as it was for me. And at this point I was having serious doubts.

What if this was normal though, what would I know about dating, anyways? What if not calling for a day or two was totally normal, you know make em' wait kinda thing.

Leaning on the door frame of the kitchen and living room I asked, "Remember the guy I was with last night?"

She fanned herself dramatically, "Shit yeah, dude was a fine piece of ass. Why?"

"Last night after, you know, we were done? He got one of those calls where they just have to be somewhere. Said he'd call me in the morning. He hasn't." I shrugged.

"Babe, seriously? It hasn't even been 24 hours yet. Guys don't wanna seem desperate, they like to take their time calling back. I honestly wouldn't even worry about it. And if he doesn't call you back, fûck him." She flopped herself down on the couch. In all the years I've known her it was always like her body was extremely exhausted when she sat down, never actually sitting but more like her legs were just giving out from under her. "You're a fûcking catch, babe. Any man on the face of this earth would be lucky to even suck your big toe let alone have a whole night of hot steamy sex with you."

I grinned and rolled my eyes again, "I swear you're the most dramatic person I've ever met."

She laughed, "Dude, I'm so serious though."

I sat next to her, shoving my cold feet under her ass and listened to Julian play with his train set in his bedroom and I knew he'd be the only male to ever stay.

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