Chapter Thirteen

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The drop had been a disaster, and getting shot wasn't fucking fun either, Liliana showed and was taken away in handcuffs but not before a shit ton of bullets were sprayed all over the fucking place. One catching me in the thigh. I broke my femur in high school playing football once but shit that was nothing compared to being shot.

The bitch was coked out of her mind but that didn't surprise me, what did is that she was sober enough to help one of her goons get away. One I knew well, which wasn't fucking good for me. After hundreds of bullets were riddled into the place, coke flying everywhere she walked out, arms raised. I knew she was up to something but Hoss wouldn't listen. Our men were scattered around the warehouse, but I knew most were in front so the back was nearly left uncovered, I had dipped around right in time to see her Right Hand Man Philip running away. Catching a safe car they had stationed at the back of the warehouse. His beefy frame turned just in time to see me following his ass. I knew he'd seen me, because the look of recognition was all over his face. His smile scared the fuck out of me as his opened flame before he jumped into the sleek black Mercedes. He rolled down the tinted window just as I had stepped back into the alleyway, "Carlo will be in touch soon, fucker." He had called out loud enough for me to hear, that smile he gave was seriously going to haunt me.

But even then, even knowing I practically already had a toe tag on my soon to be cold body, knowing I could possibly put Mia in danger I still couldn't get her out of my head. I tried to not call, believe me I did, but I just needed to hear that sexy voice of hers one more time. But now that it was over, and I was laying here on my couch, alone and still painfully hard, I knew I couldn't see her again. I knew I needed to give her a valid reason as to why I was calling it quits, I didn't want to hurt her.

That sad look she had in her eyes some days, or the way she hid herself from me at times lead me to believe she had already been hurt one too many times. I didn't know if she had feelings or if she was hoping it was going somewhere between her and I, yet I didn't want to be the heartbreaker I usually had not problem being. I couldn't really understand that thought process yet, I didn't know what I felt. I just knew I couldn't hurt her.

How the fuck was I going to tell her though? I could tell the truth, which is what I really wanted to do, but I also didn't want to put her and her son in more danger, danger of knowing entirely too much. Plus, my little minx has morals, and lots of them. She'd probably run for the fucking hills if I told her the truth, and not just because the situation scared her but because she'd think of me as a lowlife or something. She had already had her freak out when I told her about the couple movies I stared in.

I knew I'd get that reaction from her though, I knew she was different from the get go. God I could stop thinking about that call, my dick was still not satisfied. And neither was I, I wanted to be buried deep inside her for hours on end. Even after we had both orgasmed my little guy shot right back up. That usually took  a least a little bit of work, but her husky, after sex voice was such a fucking turn on. Maybe if I just saw her one last time it'd get her out of my system. I doubted it though, I knew what I wanted, but I also knew you can't always get what you want. Especially when it's about life and death. Especially when it involves a kid.

The abrupt thought of my parents had my mind racing with panic. Carlo knew where they lived. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I quickly grabbed at my phone stuck in the couch cushion and dialed, hoping, preying to god they picked up.

It rang four times, each ring with no answer had my heart sinking deeper and deeper into my gut. "Hello, do you know what time it is boy?" My Papa had picked up, sleep clear in his deep baritone.

I released a breath I hadn't known I was holding in. "Papa, get mama and get the hell out of the house. Go to someone's, anyone's and I'll have a plane ticket ready as fast as I can!"

"What are you going on about, boy? I've already told you we aren't leaving our roots." He argued stubbornly, just like the Papa I've always known him to be.

"Papa, you don't understand. I fucked up, I fucked up real bad. Please, just listen to me." I pleaded.

"Who is it honey?" I heard my mother in the background, "Is everything okay?" She spoke again.

"Papa, please." I begged, hoping to god he'd listen to me, Just this once.

He exhaled for what seemed like an eternity before answering so calmly. Probably to keep mama calm as well. "Okay, but you need to tell me everything, and I mean everything when we get there."

Oh god, thank you so fucking much. "Yes, I swear. Now go."

He let out a raunchy curse, something you usually didn't hear from a sixty-five year old man. "Alright, alright."

But just as I was about to hang up, "Papa? I love you both."

He took a deep breath, "We love you too, son." Then the receiver went dead.

I know, it's short, but I honestly have the worst writers block for this book. It'll pass though. Hope you all enjoy this little Dantè POV, unedited, so if you find mistakes let me know.

Enjoy, my lovelies. 😘

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