Chapter Six

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Samantha had stayed for dinner, she usually did weekend nights. Being as she didn't work weekends. I hadn't booked any clients for this weekend, so I didn't have to work as well. It was always nice to have the same days off; I wasn't alone, as I usually was. I remember thinking when I got pregnant with Julian that I wouldn't be as lonely. Logan had worked six days a week.

I had quit my job as soon as I'd found out I was pregnant, and I hadnt resumed until after the divorce; seeing as I had too. The alimony I received form Logan would only last two years, and it wasn't nearly enough to get by on.

I had just put Julian to bed, and now Samantha and I were sitting in my small two-bed apartment living-room. "Back on the subject of Dante, you really aren't going to give him a try?" She asked.

I pretended not to even think about my answer, but I had secretly been thinking about it all day, "No, like I told you earlier; I've been there, done that. Not doing it again." 

She nodded, "I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I think this is the right decision; but you know that whatever you chose I'll always stand by you. Even if you are being a judgmental idiot." She smiled and clapped her hands together, signaling that the conversation was over. Not that I wanted to keep this little heart-to-heart going. I was actually getting tired, and I knew I'd have to be up early in the morning with Julian.

As if she could read my thoughts, "Well babe, I think I'm going to head out. William wants to meet at my place tonight." She gave me a flirty wink as she talked about her long time fûck buddy.

I rolled my eyes, she knew I didn't care for him. He strung her along, only calling her when he wanted a piece of asś. "Use protection, and you should still probably get checked after too. You know, just in case." 

She laughed, "He's so damn hot though!"

I stood form the couch, "I guess." You could virtually see the sarcasm dripping from my words. She stood as well, grabbing her bag from the back of the sofa. "But, I love you. Be safe." I said as she walked to the front door.

"Laters, baby." She blew me a kiss. "Give baby Julian some love for me in the morning."

I sat out for a nice relaxing bubble bath, the warm water would do my sore body some good. As I prepared the water, and began to take my clothes off my phone buzzed from the night stand beside my bed.

From: 555-863-0707
What are you wearing?

What the hell? I replied.

To: 555-863-0707
Who the hell is this?

I took my phone to the bath with me, I'd normally be afraid that I'd drop it, but I didn't think twice as I stepped into the almost scolding water.

From: 555-863-0707
Dante. Remember you put your number in my phone last night?

Shit, I did? I didn't remember giving him my number. Not many people actually had my number to begin with. I had no other family, except and estranged mother. And I always counted Samantha as family.
But, I saved his number anyways and replied,

To: Dante
Hmm, don't remember that. Anyways, thanks for last night. But, I don't think we should talk anymore.

His reply was rapid.

From: Dante
Who said anything about talking? (;

I couldn't lie, that did bring a smile to my face. But, I quickly squashed it.

To: Dante
I did, because we definitely won't be doing it again.

I had to force myself to press send, because the text felt too mean. I wasn't the type of person that could easily tell someone off.

From: Dante
You bruise my ego. So it wasn't good for you? Your screams were fake?

The water waved as I giggled, I don't think one could fake those kinds of screams, honey.

No, they were real...

Then why you don't want to see me again? I have to say this is the first time someone has blown me off, it's kind of sexy. (;

Oh, God. I'm getting nowhere.

Look, I'm kind of tied up right now.

From: Dante
Yes, you tired up would be very sexy.

Even though no one was around to see it, my face was still a deep Crimson. I didn't know what to say to that, half of me wanted to flirt back but the other half didn't want to get hurt again. Then another message came in from him.

From: Dante
I'm not going to lie, usually I don't think twice about going out on second date, but I had a great time last night. In and out of bedroom. Just give me one more date, and if you don't like then we can move on.

I sat my phone on the toilet seat next to the tub after reading his message. I needed to think, and finish my bath. Because I currently looked like a prune.

If I went on one more date, he'd leave me alone after. I could enjoy a free meal and his company; I did like his company. Maybe I could ask to be friends. Or maybe he'd say he didn't want to be friends, maybe he'd slam me on the dinner table, hike my dress up and spank me for thinking such a thing. Maybe he'd soothe his hand print on my asś after he punished me, then slip a finger inside my aching cûnt.

I hadn't noticed my hands trailing down my own skin, stoping to flick a nîpple, then moving to the pearl between my thighs. I pushed a finger inside, imagining it was his thick digit instead of my own.

I imagined him bending to his knees, in front of everyone in the restaurant, not having a care in the world, not caring about anyone but me, and pleasure. He'd slowly deliver a thick and rough lick from my puckered hole to my throbbing clît.

I released a long exhale like moan. He'd stand up and unbuckle himself, then he'd swiftly thrust himself inside me, only to pull completely out to rub his thick member on my sensitized clît, then he'd push back in at an almost punishingly fast pace. My imagination was working faster than my fingers could, until I exploded in my hand.

I sat and tried to catch my breath, noticing that my water was quickly becoming cold, and my legs were even more sore than they were before this bath.

As I laid in my bed, my phone in my hands I pondered on what to say to Dante. Maybe I should pull a Samantha and just go with the flow. See how things work out. I wasn't a hundred percent certain I wanted to do this, but I replied anyways.

To: Dante
Okay, another date.

I forced myself to quickly press send and lightly threw my phone to the side. See, it wasn't that hard.

God, I hope I don't get hurt again. I knew men like him. Those men that knew they were attractive, they knew with just one look women would fall at their feet. But Dante was sweet, yes he could take control in the bedroom, but he wasn't the usual jerk those playboy men were. He had the looks and the attitude of a playboy, but with a sweetheart side that he wasn't afraid to show in public.

This confused me, this confused me a lot.

My phone buzzed again from beside me, I snatched it up and flipped onto my stomach, preparing myself to read his message.

From: Dante
Grazie bella, you just made my night! How's tomorrow at 7 sound?

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Do you think M will give into his charming ways and end up under him again before the date is even over? Do you want the fantasies she just had to come true? It would be sexy wouldn't it


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