Chapter Twenty

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   I woke up in bed alone, to the sounds of hushed voices in the living-room. Not a one I recognized. For the first time in two weeks I woke up without him, and it honestly felt so lonely. But loneliness was all forgotten as soon as I noticed he wasn't in the room at all. My gut twisted in knots, why couldn't I hear him talking with the others in there? Almost painfully with worry, my racing heart picking up dangerous speeds when I noticed it was four in the morning.

I fell out of bed, trying to pull myself together as I slowly began to panic, It sounds weird but I just knew something wasn't right, I couldn't feel Dantè close. I raced out of his bedroom, determined to find out what the hell was going on.

They were all staring at me when I barged out, wearing only my underwear and one of Dante's large T-shirt's that went a little past my thighs. Two large men stood at the front door, their legs spread and arms crossed over their chests. On his armchair sat another, vaguely familiar man, looking just as worried as I felt deep in my gut. His mama crying silently into her hands as his papa consoled her hunched frame. My gaze sweeping frantically around the room, trying to find him. But Dantè was nowhere to be found, and from the look in everyone's eyes, I knew for certain he was wasn't here.

My bones ached, "Where is he?" It came out a shaky, weak whisper when all I had wanted was to scream it at the top of my lungs, in my head everything slowed down, and I began knocking things over, throwing everything in arms reach at the walls as I screamed it over and over again.

His mothers head rose, she stood quickly, ran to me and wrapped her arms around me, "Quel ragazzo idiota," she sobbed into my hair. How or why was he an idiot?

I rubbed her back, still staring at the large man I thought to be in charge, the familiar one,"Where the hell is he?" I said again, this time louder. Holding back my own tears, but my fear was more than evident in my still trembling voice.

The large one in the armchair closest to me held up his hands as if to calm me, "We've got a tracker on him. His dumbass walked right into their car demanding to speak to Carlo."

My entire world was spinning, the walls closing in on me, "oh god, no. Why? Why the fuck would he do that?" I was yelling now, each word a notch louder. The man talking to me resembled Hoss, the man Dante had talked about many times, explaining how he gave the OK to have Dantè be more than just an informant. How he allowed Dantè to get even closer, more caught up in the mess, and now, how he allowed him to be used as bait. "Why the fuck did you let him get that close?" I was beyond seething now, my hands balled into fists at my side as Dante's mother slowly slid back to her husband, needing someone to take my frustration and fear out on.

He stood, his hands still palms out in front of him, as if he thought I'd charge him. "I didn't let him, Mia. The cop on rotation was found knocked smooth out from a blow to the head. The only reason we know he got into their car is because of the dash-cam. Dantè snuck up on him and punched him out less than thirty minutes ago. They frisked him down before he got inside the vehicle and drove off."

I began to pace back and forth on the living-room floor, "Then how're you tracking him?" I asked, trying to put all the pieces together, trying to come up with a plan and quickly before they killed him, before the savages put a bullet right into the middle of his skull, just like they had promised.

He ran a hand through his hair, "After he punched out Richardson he left a serial number to a dog tracker in the passenger seat. The fucker swallowed it."

I stopped, swinging around I asked hopefully, "So you know exactly where he's at right now?"

He nodded, "Yes, we have a couple under-covers in regular cars on them. They're on the highway leaving the city as we speak."

I nodded as well, "Then why don't you stop them? Why don't you get him out, save him before it's too late!"

He took a deep breath and shook his head slowly, "It's not enough, Mia. There's footage to prove he got into the car willingly, we need more grounds for an arrest, and we can't tip them off that we're following, that'll just get a bullet between the eyes quicker."

I resumed my pacing, Jesus Christ this isn't happening, I just fucking found him. The thought of losing him so soon broke me, shattered me into a million pieces. My heart breaking all over again. Why? Why the hell would the bastard do this? The beautiful, stupid, risky bastard!

I gained a sliver of my control on my emotions back, "Hoss, I take it?" He nodded, "We need to find a way to get him out of that vehicle, we'll be lucky if they don't kill him on the way to their destination." I shook my head, a tear streaming down my face, "He'll be dead before the sun comes up."

"He left a note, Mia. I think you should take a look at it for yourself." He dug into his jean pocket, Dante's  mama back to sobbing in the hands of her loving husbands as he passed me the note, the other two goons standing motionless at the door like guard dogs. I snatched the crumbled paper from his hand and unfolded it.

Hoss, I've got a plan, information he'll want to know, so he'll keep me alive. For now. I've swallowed a tracking device, the serial number is in Richardson's car, (let him know I'm sorry would ya) tail us, but not too fucking close, don't blow this and get me killed, asshole. They'll make sure I don't have anything on me that could be traced back, hell, they'll probably rough me up a bit too, damnit. They won't find anything though unless they force me to shit, which hopefully doesn't  fucking happen. Listen, the information I have I'm hoping they'll take me to one of warehouse to confirm it, the answer to all our drug problems will be out in the open. Keep an eye out, see you there fucker.

Mia, my love. Try to stay calm, I'll do everything in my power to make it back to you and Julian. But if by fucked up chance things don't work out the way I pray they will, just know that the moment I saw you I knew you were the one, the only woman I'll ever need for the rest of my life the only woman I've ever wanted. Love at first sight is truly real, my beautiful girl. I know I'm unworthy of you and sweet Julian, but if fate leads me back to you safe and sound, I'll spend the rest of my life proving myself worthy. You're my life, amore. Don't be too angry with me. ;) I love you, il mio amore.

My body crumbled to the floor, not even caring that I looked a hot mess, tears pouring from my face as I pulled the nearest blanket down with me and shoved my knees into my chest, I rocked back and forth, his letter spearing me right through the chest. A ribbed arrow, scarring its way in, fear and pain taking the deepest root. The fool, he was so worthy. More than worthy of us.

I sat on that floor for the next excruciatingly long half hour, praying for the first time in years, begging God to bring him back to me so that I could prove to him just how worthy he was. Praying to the heavens above that he was safe, and not as terrified as I. Praying that whatever information he had proved to be as precious as his life was to me.

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