Chapter Seventeen

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It's been two days already, two days of missing my boy, two days of missing work, two days of being cooped up in what, at first seemed like a huge apartment, but with four adults Is slowly starting to feel claustrophobic. And two damn long days of Dantè and I not talking about my little confession.

He hadn't said it back, hadn't said anything! Just a head nod. A freaking nod! I'm quickly beginning to go stir crazy. Not only because he hasn't said anything but because we've been cooped up together, and not laid a damn hand on one another! I mean I'm being respectful of his parents being under the same roof and all so that's why I haven't initiated anything, not even when we've slept in the same bed. But I didn't honestly expect him to. My libido's off the charts right now, the sexual energy getting harder and harder to contain.

At first I thought maybe he just didn't feel the same, maybe I scared him away for falling so quickly, but he keeps giving me these irritating little side glances, his eyes so hooded with unhinged lust and instantly my panties are soaked. He continues not to touch me and says next to nothing. He's so short, and dare if I say snappy. Who knows, maybe he doesn't feel the same, maybe he only feels that wonton feeling between us. That sexual spark that he can't quite shake but doesn't want to lead me on?

I don't know, I'm jumping to conclusion after maddening conclusion because he won't freaking talk to me!

My mind has been a crazy jumbled mess since the night I showed up here. Face-Times to Julian are so hard, hard to stay strong when my little booger seems so happy without me. Samantha's been sending me pictures nearly every couple of hours, probably because she knows how much of a mess I am when it comes to him. I'm so grateful for her, for getting him away from all this.

The burly guy in the unmarked black Sedan comes and goes. But never leaves for too long, and always parks somewhere new. Dantè's boss believes he's not alone on the tailing. But doesn't think they've caught on to the many guys on the force keeping watch of us as well. Waiting for the bastard to strike. Maybe he's waiting for some sort of confirmation, or maybe he's just waiting for us to finally leave the apartment, I mean we can't be in here forever. Either way my nerves are on end with all the waiting. This stake out is taking entirely too long.

Plus, my body can't handle anymore of this sexual frustration. I need physical contact and soon.

I roll over in bed, facing him. His eyes are shut and unmoving, his chest rising and falling at a steady pace. He's still asleep, and he's incredibly beautiful. His eyelashes laying on his high cheekbones, curling slightly at the tips. They're so long and dark, and I love them. I barely know anything about the man and I love him. Good god, what is wrong with me?

He's sleeping a mile away from me it feels like and still I can feel his warmth, I want to snuggle closer, my body itching to get closer like some magnetic pull. The low thrum of all the pent up frustrations of everything around me started to unfold just looking at him.

I feel creepy just watching him sleep at seven in the morning but I can't pull my gaze away. As if he can feel me staring at his face he turns on his back, his full lips in a little pout, his hand runs down his own chest under the duvet, my eyes following it's every move until it stops just above his massive erection, when my eyes trace further down all I can see is the tent of his morning arousal.

My body acting of its own accord and inching closer, until my hand settles on his hard, thick manhood. He jolts and my hand stills, my eyes darting back up to his. His eyes are still closed, his breathing still steady and I'm half tempted to wake him and demand what I want, what I need. But instead I slowly pull my hand away from his cock and slip under the covers.

I haven't woken up this horny in years. This needy throbbing in my clit begging for some friction has gotten my confidence up enough to forget about him maybe not wanting me or this and soon I'm face to face with his erection. His boxers narrowly in the way, because he's tenting them so much the sides come open and I can just barely catch a glimpse of his tanned, veiny cock. My mouth waters.

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