"He was RM's friend? Oh. You mean that bunny?" Jaebum asked, causing Taehyung to visibly flinch. Jaebum quirked a brow and grabbed a water bottle from the cooler next to him, unscrewing the cap and taking a quick sip.

"I met him once when I had to rush to get coffee. I was almost late to a fan meet because of that brat. Gave me lip but was also sweet. Started blushing like crazy when I called him bunny."

Taehyung balled his fists again and looked to the side to avoid Jaebum seeing his angered face. Dammit, why the fuck are you so bothered by it?!. He held himself from slapping his head in frustration. He thought that after a week of not being near Jungkook that the effect would wear off but he was horribly mistaken.

If anything he felt more anxious.

Why the fuck does it piss me off? Why are you making this so much harder than it is, stop making me feel so much anger! 

"... RM has a thing tonight, right? Said he was meeting a friend or his task tonight?" Jaebum rubbed his chin. "Why the fuck would he be meeting his friend tonight? It's nearly one...he left at 12... His friend is either nocturnal or doesn't care about sleep. Unless he got unlucky and got his friend as well...I heard it's happened to Yoongi a couple of times."

"Well. he said it's his task. So it could be either, right? He didn't say he was going to kill them he just said he was meeting up with his task. Knowing Joon, he doesn't know any of his targets on a personal level," Jimin explained. "So...maybe it's not someone he knows?"

Taehyung, on the other hand, was in his world yet still listening to their conversation. Part of him was happy the job would be done and over with and he could move on from these uneasy feelings and carry on with his life and another part of him felt overwhelmed and irresponsible.

Jungkook was young and was trying to better his life. To earn money so he could get back into college. So he could actually become something. Was it fair to end it so quickly?

Why would you care? He's some kid we've known for less than a month. But he's also the only fan that has ever respected us, hasn't been all over us and not once asked about our bank account. Maybe that was a big difference. 

If Jungkook wasn't the fan who sent the mail, Taehyung would've already gotten rid of him.


He agreed with Jimin. Seokjin would become a monster if anything had happened to him. He was an actual mama bear to the younger one and, from what Taehyung had noticed while keeping a close eye on them both, was that neither had friends, other than Namjoon. Jin didn't speak to relatives or family members and he didn't have any friends.

Same went for Jungkook.

He knew Kook wasn't on good terms with his parents due to his slight eavesdropping on their second encounter and Jungkook told him multiple times how he only had Jin and Namjoon, despite a couple of acquaintances.

Luckily, Namjoon didn't have it in him to kill Taehyung. He couldn't even raise his voice at the younger, how could he even raise a finger to him? But...if what Namjoon told him was true, then Namjoon would for sure go through with it.

"I need your paper work on your current task."

"Well, hello to you too-"

"I'm not here to converse. Just give me the file."

"Why do you need it?"

"I'm going to kill him since it's taking you too long," Namjoon replied, glancing at the file in the blonde's hands. The other blinked uncertainly.

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