Chapter Sixty-Three - To The Death

Start from the beginning

"Marshal!" She cried, searching the clearing. 

My gaze whipped down to him. His hands were flying across Will's body, but he kept glancing at Samuel. With the little amount of strength I had left, I pushed him off of Will.

"Samuel needs you." My voice broke. I couldn't tear my gaze from Samuel. I tried moving toward him, but my legs refused to work. They didn't respond to my commands. I knew I was pinned beneath Will, and for the time being, I blamed my inability to move on that. 

With another desperate lurching of my heart, I pushed at Marshal as tears spilled from my eyes. "Go to Samuel, please. Will'll be alright. Samuel-"

Marshal looked at me for half a second before he sprang up and sprinted across the clearing. He and Goldie acted together, barking orders at those who remained to watch the fight. Black spots danced in my vision as I watched them work. I tried to keep my attention on Will. I could see the unsteady rise and fall of his chest, which meant he was alive. He was unconscious and his head was still in my lap, preventing me from moving. Not that I wanted to. Now that I had nothing to distract me, my own pain was growing. With every passing moment, another part of my body exploded in agony. 

My mind was screaming at me to stay awake, to focus on Will and Samuel, but my body wouldn't cooperate. A small part of my mind begged for sleep and reminded me that Will and Samuel were in good hands. Marshal had tended to Will and now he and Goldie were going to fix Samuel. They didn't need me. They would be okay. 

But then, I would catch sight of the bloody rags being piled onto Samuel's body. Without my permission, my heart would stutter and send a wave of anxiety through my veins. My mind and body were at war and I wasn't sure who was winning. My vision was letting in more darkness than light. My eyes were fluttering. I thought I heard someone calling my name. My mind responded, but my mouth didn't. 

When my world finally went dark, I was still fighting against the reprive of rest. My consciousness shifted to nightmares of dead bodies and bloody figures. Though my body slept, it was far from resting. I knew I woke up several times, but each time I did was more confusing than the last. Sometimes, there was light. Sometimes, there were voices. After a while, I didn't know what was real and what wasn't. After a while, I didn't care. 

Then, I heard his voice. It started off as a distant hum in the back corners of my mind and grew as a torrential wave threatening to break the shore. I held onto it like a drunken sailor searching for land, and eventually, I found the light.  

When I awoke, it was to more darkness. But, this kind was different than before. There was a soft glow from beside me and an ache in my chest. In fact, there was an ache all over my body. I groaned and tried to sit up, my eyes adjusting to my new world. I was in a bed with wires all over my body. They strangled my hands as I pulled at them, dazed and confused. A monitor beeped behind me.

Something stirred beside my bed. I turned and found the all too familiar sight of Samuel, sitting in a hospital chair pulled too close for comfort. He was leaning on my bed and cradling my hand in his own. His head was bowed and resting on folded arms. His shoulders rose and fell in a steady and comforting rhythm. 

That rhythm broke as I involuntarily groaned, pain shooting up my legs and into my chest. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to remain quiet, but Samuel was already waking up.

He lifted his head as if it held the weight of the world. His eyes blinked several times as he searched the room. Finally, his gaze landed on me. He went still. His gaze darted across my eyes, down my body, to the machines behind me, and finally back to my eyes. His mouth was left hanging open as he struggled to speak. 

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