A Bad Memory

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Jin's POV:

I took Y/N to her room after what Namjoon did. I don't know what Y/N did, but Namjoon shouldn't have tried to kill her. I gently set the unconscious girl on the bed. I couldn't help but notice that there was blood on her neck, but no marks. 'Jungkook must have healed her. I'll have to thank him.' I leaned in close towards her neck. The smell of blood was strong. Before I knew it, I was gently licking the blood off her neck. I desperately wanted more, but I restrained myself. I pull away and sat on the bed side. 'This poor girl never deserved this. None of them did.' I thought with guilt. 'Well, one of them did.'


I woke up in a cold sweat, not able to see my surroundings.
"Ah, you're finally awake." A sharp voice of a woman spoke.
"A-Abigail?" I began panting. My throat was parched, and I desperately wanted water, or something to quench my thirst.
"It's okay darling, I know you're your thirsty. You'll get your turn, I promise." The woman tries to reassure me, brushing a cold hand on my cheek. I tried to recall what happened before everything went black. I remember Abigail had called us into the living room. We all believe she was to tell us who she will marry. When we were all gathered in the downstairs living room, Abigail's eyes turned a bright gold color, and telling us to stay still. We all did as she said, not quite understanding why. She bit into her wrist and it began to bleed. Abigail told us to drink her blood, and we all obeyed, yet all of us didn't want to do so. After we all had a taste of her blood, she said: "please forgive me, for you all are going to go through a transition when I am done." She then proceeded to snap Namjoon's neck. She then went to Jungkook, snapping his neck as well. Then it was my turn. Everything went black, and now I'm here.
'Wait...am I DEAD?!' I think to myself. 'No, no, please Lord no!' I started to freak out. But all of my worries stopped when I felt skin being pressed against my lips. I bit down, and the warm liquid began to flow into my mouth. It wasn't water, nor wine. This was blood, and it was an incredible feeling just to have it touch my lips. I wanted to pull away, but I couldn't, it was too delicious for me stop. My enjoyment ceased when the wrist pulled away. I could now see my surroundings more clearly, the woman that spoke to me was Abigail, and right next to her was one of her maids. The maid had a large gash on her neck, and two red circlets on each of her wrist, one left by me. Abigail gave me a smile before she walked towards Hoseok, who just woke up. I look over to see Jungkook and Namjoon were awake as well. Jungkook's lips were stained with the blood of the maid. And the whole lower half of Namjoon's face was covered in blood. Namjoon look satisfied, but Jungkook had an expression of fear and anger. As for me, I was completely dumbfounded as to why we now have this thirst for blood.

Everyone was soon awake, and the maid that we all fed upon was now on the ground, her body was limp and she was just staring off with lifeless eyes, dead.
"Abigail..." Taehyung spoke with desperation. "I'm so thirsty...I need more..." He begged while holding onto Abigail's wrist. She lifted him up and smiled.
"I know my darling." She cooed. "I already have that covered." She let's go of Taehyung's hand and claps twice. Immediately, seven more of Abigail's maids enter the room. Without hesitation, both Taehyung and Namjoon pounced on a maid and began to feed. The one that Namjoon had pinned down was screaming violently, while the one with Taehyung simply whimpered. The other maids walked up to us and exposed their necks. We all hesitated, but soon enough we all began to dig our newly formed fangs into their necks. I was so hungry that I drank every last drop of the poor servant's blood. What's worse is that I like it. My body began to feel strong, stronger than I ever thought was possible. I could hear sounds of hearts beating from the maids, but not from the others suitors, nor, Abigail, and my own.
'We really are dead.' I think to myself. I was so confused, I didn't know what I was, or why I wanted blood. All my worry soon disappeared when I looked into Abigail's eyes. Her gaze mad me feel at ease, knowing she was with me.

Abigail soon explained to us what she had done. That we are dead, that we are vampires.
"What about our families?" Hoseok questioned with sad eyes.
"They have been informed that you will not return to them." Abigail answered vaguely. The majority of us were upset that we couldn't see our families again. The only one who seemed to be okay with it was Namjoon, he began to embrace his new life. We all soon came to accept what we are, and began to enjoy feeding on humans, and tormenting them. We really have become monsters.

-End of Flashback-

My mind slowly comes back to reality. I look at the H/C girl that laid next to me.
"You truly didn't deserve this." I say to the unconscious Y/N. I lay there with her, hoping she will awake soon. My hunger grew steadily. Not wanting to harm Y/N, I call for Hoseok.
"Hoseok!" I yell. Within an instant, Hoseok is at the door.
"What did you need hyung?" Hoseok asked, eager to see if Y/N is okay.
"I need a blood bag, for myself."
"Got it." Hoseok dashed off to bring me a bag. All the while, Yoongi had come to the door.
"How is she?" Yoongi asked with a soft tone.
"Here you are hyung." Hoseok came back with a blood bag. I take one long sip before answering Yoongi's question.
"She's out cold." I tell them. "I believe Jungkook gave her some blood, because she has no wounds. Yet the blood on her made it look like it was severe." I take another sip from my bag. Yoongi began to shake his head.
"He hasn't killed one of the girl's in 4 decades." Yoongi puts his palm on his forehead.
"I know." I sighed.
"Wasn't that also in the library?" Hoseok asks. We all ponder for a minute.
"That's right, it was." I recall.
"The poor girl faced a so much head trauma because he threw her all the way across the room." Hoseok crossed his arms. "What could have made him so furious?" Hoseok wondered.
"It's possible that he could be keeping something from us." Yoongi points out. We all nod in agreement.
"If that's the case, then we need to keep an eye on Namjoon." I sigh once more. "But, for the time being, I need to keep an eye on Y/N. I'm afraid that she and I are going to be skipping dinner tonight."
The other two nod and go on there way. I lock the door and sit on the bed, finishing up my bag, and waiting for Y/N to wake up.

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