A Lovely Evening?

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"Gentleman! And our lovely guest! Dinner is served!" Another man, slightly older than some of the men, came in smiling as he began to serve everyone dinner. Each plate had a well cooked steak, with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables. The man then poured what seemed to be red wine, but the man serving us poured a different drink into my glass, which was red wine. I decided not to question it, since I'm their guest. "I do hope you find the food good. I put a lot of effort into this meal since it's your first night staying with us." The man smiled sweetly as he put the bottle of wine back into its cabinet and then came back into the room. "Oh we're are my manners? I'm Kim Seokjin, but you may call me Jin." He took my hand and kissed it. His lips were cold, giving me a slight chill to my spine. Jin then nodded his head and then took his seat, which was opposite of mine. "Well, let's dig in." Jin said happily. We all began to eat. The food was delicious, it was like it was made in a five star restaurant. Jin saw my enjoyment and just smiled.
"So...you were the winner of the pageant we funded?" Jungkook asked. I swallowed my food before I would answer.
"Yeah I was. I couldn't believe it." I smile. Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook looked at each and smiled mischievously.
"Well we're happy you will be joining us." Jimin said with a smile.
"So will there be any plans that you have this week?" I ask with curiosity.
"Most likely not, so you'll be able to spend a lot of time exploring the mansion and spending time with us." Jimin answered.
"I'd be glad to give you a tour later." Hoseok added with a grin.
"That would be nice." I comment.

Time passes and we are all finished with dinner. Jin gathers everyone's dishes and heads towards the kitchen.
"When you're ready, I can show you to your room." Jimin offered.
"Thank you." I say with a smile. I attempted to get up from my chair when something made me trip and I fell. "I'm okay." I say, trying not to make them worried. "What? Oh shoot." My hand was slightly cut and I looked back them. Jimin closed his eyes and sniffed the air.
"Mmm, that smells good." Jimin said, as he opened his eyes, they became a glowing red. I realized that everyone's eyes were glowing red as well. I backed up one step and bumped into something. I looked up to see it was Taehyung. He smiled deviously to reveal his fangs.
Wha? Your all..." Taehyung chuckled and then grabbed me by the waste. Taehyung then exposed my neck. I felt his sharp fangs pierce my neck, and I let out a whimper
"I want some." Jungkook said with an innocent tone. Jungkook then appear right in front of me and grabbed my bleeding wrist and proceeded to lick it
"Gah!" I whimpered. "Please stop it."
"Oh come now don't be so selfish, she's meant for all of us, remember?" Jimin said in a calm voice and he walked towards me. Jimin grabbed my other wrist and bit into with his fangs. My vision was becoming blurry. All I could see was the remaining three closing in on me. But someone was missing. That's when I saw the dining room door open, and Jin was standing there. Then I blacked out. Everything was silent. Was this the end?

Jimin's POV:
After pointing Y/N to the living room, I quickly made my way to her room and placed her bags on her bed. I then go to inform the others that our guest had arrived. I go into the upstairs recreational room and find Hoseok and Jungkook playing a game of pool, which Hoseok was currently winning.
"Hey guys, our guest is here." I say with a bit of excitement. They're eyes lit up.
"Finally, I've been waiting to get a good meal forever." Hoseok said as he was about to leave the room. I put my hand on his chest to stop him.
"Hold on hyung, she doesn't know that we're vampires yet, so we must treat her with respect like any other guest." I explained to Hoseok.
"Ugh, fine." Hoseok complained as he made his way back to the pool table. "Call us when dinner is ready." Hoseok said. I nod and then go on my way to find Yoongi. I looked out the window and saw that the sun was beginning to set. As I walked down the hall, I stopped to talk with Namjoon and inform him that our guest has arrived. As I was informing him, we both heard yelling from the downstairs living room. The person yelling sounded like Y/N.
"That's our guest." I say with concern.
"Don't worry, I'll check on her." Namjoon reassured me and went to check on Y/N.

I made my way to Yoongi's room, and opened the door without a sound. Yoongi was asleep in his bed.
"Yoongi? Our guest is here." I inform him
"Okay, and?" Yoongi ask carelessly. I knew he wanted to be left alone, but he needed to get up because it's proper manners to greet guest.
"And dinner is almost ready." I tell him, hoping that he'll get up.
"I'll be down in a minute." Yoongi complied. I nod and then leave him to get ready. I made my way down to the dining room where Taehyung is sitting. I sit next to him and smile. Taehyung looked upset.
"Taehyung? What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Namjoon stopped me from feeding off of the human." He pouted. I pat him on the shoulder.
"Don't worry my friend, you'll get a taste of her at some point in the next 24 hours or so." I comfort him. Taehyung is never happy when he's interrupted when he's feeding or about to feed, which is understandable. Yoongi entered the room and took a seat across from Taehyung. Yoongi was a little upset that I woke him up, but he'll forgive me, he knows that he should be polite to our guest. Hoseok and Jungkook entered as well. Jungkook was bragging to me about how he managed to beat Hoseok in their pool match. Hoseok simply rolled his eyes but smiled.
"It was a good game." Hoseok said.
"Yeah because I won." Jungkook laughed. And Hoseok once again rolled his eyes.
The door to the foyer opened and Namjoon was there with our guest, Y/N, behind him. I smiled as she walked in. The two sat down and soon Jin would come out with his amazing food that he cooked for us. Jin also poured us some blood in our wine glasses. I was a little nervous because I didn't know if Y/N would question it. Jin then poured Y/N some red wine, to not make it look like we were consuming blood. Thankfully Y/N didn't question anything about it.

We eventually finished eating and Jin gathered all of our dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them. I then offered to show Y/N to her room. She seemed to be pleased with me showing her to her room. Y/N was about to get up when she tripped and fell. I immediately stood up to check if she was okay. I saw Taehyung's foot move away from Y/N. 'He must have tripped her.' I thought. Y/N got up and tried to reassure us that she was fine, but then we smelled the blood. The scent was quite alluring, that it made us all want a taste. Y/N saw that are eyes were now a glowing red, and she tried to back away from us. But Taehyung was already behind her, deviously chuckling at the fact that he got what he wanted. Taehyung bit into her neck, and we all let it happen. Jungkook was the next to taste her. Jungkook licked her exposed wound and savored the taste. I soon followed, I couldn't help myself, the scent was too potent.
"Oh come now don't be so selfish, she's meant for all of us, remember?" I say without even thinking. I grabbed Y/N other wrist and bit into it. Her cries only made me want more. Hoseok and Namjoon were about join in when Jin opened the door.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Jin yelled. Taehyung, Jungkook and I stopped feeding.
Y/N was now unconscious. Jin was furious. "She's not even here for one night! And you all think it's okay to feed off of her?!" Jin questioned us in anger. Without saying a word, Jin took Y/N's unconscious body to her room, or so we thought. Unlike the rest of us, Jin can hold his thirst for a long time. We think it's because he's older than the rest of us. But I think even Jin hyung will soon want a taste of Y/N's blood.

Jin's POV:

I opened the door to the dining room after hearing whimpers and smelling fresh blood. I couldn't believe it, they were already feeding from Y/N.
"What the hell is going on here?!" I yelled, making everyone stop what they were doing. When they all looked at me, their eyes were red. "She's not even here for one night! And you all think it's okay to feed off of her?!" I question them all, while scolding them in the process. I was extremely disappointed in Jimin and Namjoon, because they were supposed to protect her from Taehyung and the others from feeding off of her. Without a word, I took Y/N unconscious body away from Taehyung, put her in my room. I put Y/N in My room because I knew that the others wouldn't dare to go in there after I yelled at them. The scent of her blood was strong, but I managed to resist the urge to taste her blood.

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