The Hot Spring

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Taehyung was leading to their indoor hot spring. Jimin and Hoseok were going to invite Jungkook. He led me down several hallways until I suddenly collapsed.
"A shit." Taehyung stopped and let go of my arm. He kneels down and pokes me. "Are you dead already?" He asks without much concern. A moan escaped my lips, letting Taehyung know I was alive. Taehyung smiled and picked me up. He began carrying me bridal style. Still in a daze, I held close to Taehyung. A minute later, Taehyung opened a door. A warm, humid breeze blew as we entered. I slowly open my eyes and find that we are both in the indoor hot spring. But from the looks of it, it was more of a sauna, with dark wooden planks and dim lights reveal some of the steam. The hot spring contained wooden benches, and a door on the other end of the room. Taehyung set me down on the floor gently, which surprised me a little. "Take your clothes off." He said bluntly. Which reminded me why I would try to avoid him.
"Wha-what?" I ask groggily.
"I said take off your clothes." He repeated, while taking off his shirt.
"Wha? No, not while you're here." I refused. Taehyung rolled his eyes in annoyance. He knelt down and grabbed both my arms, forcing me to face him. He stares at me blankly, his eyes turning a golden yellow.
"Take all of your clothes off." He commanded. Taehyung let go of me and I did as he told. I took off all my clothes, including my bra and panties. Taehyung took off his pants and boxers as well. I tried my best to keep my eyes away from his manhood. I held my clothes in a small pile, looking to Taehyung for further instructions. "You can just put them on one of the benches if you want, but they'll be pretty damp." He explained. I give him a nod and put my clothes on one of the benches. Taehyung set his clothes next to mine. "Come on, Jimin wanted you to see the hot spring, so we might as well do as he says." Taehyung gently holds my hand and leads me to the dark wooden door at the end of the room.

He opens the door, revealing a large square pool of hot water. We both enter the room, Taehyung immediately gets into the water. "Get in." He commanded. Not having much choice, I do as he says. The warm water rose as I stepped into the hot spring. The hot spring had a small layer in which to sit on. Taehyung sat down on one side, and I sat on the opposite. I avoided as much eye contact as I could, but I could feel Taehyung staring right at me. Not long after, Jimin came in with Jungkook, both were now showing their full muscular bodies. I quickly averted my eyes so I wouldn't see their junk. They all saw this and laughed. "It's alright, we don't mind if you look." Taehyung chuckled.
"In fact we actually prefer it." Jimin giggled as he sat next to me.
"Where's Hoseok?" Taehyung asked.
"Jin made him go out with Namjoon to run some errands." Jungkook explained as he entered the hot spring.
"Oh? Okay." Taehyung shrugged.
"Now..." Jimin leaned in close. "What should we do next?" Jimin grins. I back away, letting them know I was getting uncomfortable. "Jungkook? You haven't had a bite since last week." He looks back to Jungkook. "Don't you want to have some more?" Jimin gives him a mischievous smile. Jungkook shook his head.
"No, it's fine, I can wait." Jungkook says shyly.
"Oh come on Kookie." Taehyung pushes Jungkook over to me, causing his face to bump into my chest. He looks up at me in embarrassment. And I gave him the same look. The other two started to laugh.
"S-Sorry." Jungkook takes a step back. His face was flushed with red.
"No you're not." Jimin said playfully as he made his way over. "Come on, Kookie." Jimin pouted. "Indulge yourself for once." He pleaded. "Maybe you could have a little taste right here." Jimin suggested as he slipped a hand underneath my breast. I let out a little yelp of discomfort. Jungkook began to look at little uncomfortable as well.
"No, stop, just stop." Jungkook shook his head. "I'm not going to take advantage of her like that."
"But it's fun." Taehyung argued.
"Not to me." Jungkook refuted.
"Hmph, fine, but at least have another bite." Jimin begged as he let go of my breast.
"No, I'm sorry, but I'm just not hungry right now." Jungkook said as he began to leave the hot spring. "You guys can be as filthy as you want, but I'll at least stay cleaner than you two." Jungkook exists the room.

Jimin and Taehyung both looked to me with mischievous grins. "I want her next." Taehyung said as he got closer.
"Aw, come on, you've already got in bed with her, the least you could do is give me a moment to get intimate with her." Jimin whined.
"Uh, do I get a say in this?" I ask. The two look to me as if I said something stupid.
"Heh, you really think you're in a position to decide?" Taehyung mocked.
"No offense kitten, but your not the one who's in control here." Jimin said as he went behind and wrapped his arms around me. "Besides, don't you want to play with us?" He whispered sadistically.
"No!" I exclaimed. I try to get out of Jimin's grip, and was surprisingly successful. But then I ended up in Taehyung's grasp. "Get off me!" I demanded. Taehyung held both of my wrist and looked straight at me. His eyes once again turning gold.
"Relax, you want us to take advantage of you." Taehyung commanded.
"I want you to take advantage of me." The words escaped from me with no emotion. My body soon became unnaturally relaxed. Taehyung looked to Jimin with a smirk. "How about we share again?" Taehyung chuckles. Jimin once again wrapped his arms around me. This time, both of his hands cupped my breast and he began to squeeze. I soon felt his soft lips brush up against my neck. Taehyung inched closer to me. His lips press against mine. Taehyung's fingers began to slide its way down to my waist, and to my lady chamber. I jolt a little, feeling his fingers inside me. I soon began moan. Jimin's wet kisses soon become small love bites, as he continued to grope my breast. I soon began to feel a bulge near my tosh. My body was more than relaxed now, it was becoming satisfied. Taehyung still kept pressing up against my lips. His fingers continuously rubbing inside me. Jimin's love bites soon turned into a sharp pain. I barely noticed until I felt the blood drip down my chest, but even then, I was too focused on him groping me and Taehyung twiddling his fingers within me to notice. But then, everything went dark, and I had fallen unconscious due to too much blood loss.

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