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Jimin's POV:

After leaving Y/N's room, I go downstairs to get something to drink, since Y/N didn't want me to have another bite of her. While on my way to basement, where we keep our blood supply, I found Jin standing at the bottom of the staircase leaning on the railing with his arms crossed.
"How is she?" Jin asked me. And like the smart ass I am, I gave him a response that I knew he didn't want to hear.
"She's delicious." I stopped to grin.
"That's not what I meant." He clenched his fist. "You didn't feed off of her again did you? Because I specifically told you not to." Jin began to scold me.
"No." I said with a sigh. "But if I'm honest , I did try." I smirked. "But she asked me not to, and like the gentleman I am, I complied." I explained as I leaned on the railing next to him. "Why do you care so much anyway?" I ask with curiosity. Jin seemed to a little hesitant to answer. "'ve never been one to care much for humans, let alone toys, sure you put up an act, but she already knows, so what's the point?" I give a sincere look.
"It's complicated..." Jin sighed.
" don't have feelings for her do you?" I started to laugh nervously. "Because She hasn't even been here for a full 24 hours."
"No it's not that." He finally faced me. "Have you ever felt guilty about what we've done to these girls?" He looked at me with a remorseful expression. I widened my eyes when he asked me that.
"Well...when we first did it yes." I responded. "But I guess I just kind of gotten used to it, and began to enjoy it." I said with a frown. "So you're beginning to regret all the horrible things we've done in the past? After so many years, you finally feel remorse." I pat him on the shoulder. "So what do you want to do?" I ask him.
"I don't know, can you just keep her alive as long as you can, or at least until I figure out what I want to do with her?" He looked to me with pleading eyes.
"I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything." I tell him.
"Well if that's the case." Jin pulls me into a hug. "Thank you." He let's go of me and walks off. A small smile grew on my face. Out of everyone in this house, I think Jin hyung trust me the most, which I appreciate. He might also be the person I trust the most.

Jungkook's POV:

After finishing my breakfast, I went to the music room which was upstairs on the second floor. As I was walking down the hallway I could hear the soft sounds of piano keys playing, and a low but serene voice singing. I open the doors the music room and see Taehyung playing with the piano keys. Taehyung stops and smiles.
"Jungkook, what a surprise." He said with a chuckle. I smile back at him as I entered the room.
"What are you playing Taehyung?" I ask him as I pull up a chair.
"I don't know." He shrugs. "I was just trying to find out what sounds good." Taehyung explains.
"Well whatever it was, the melody did match your voice pretty well." I leaned back in my chair. "I can't stop thinking about that girl and how she tasted." I say to Taehyung.
"It's almost hard not to." He laughed. "It's strange though." He added.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"It tasted better than the others, and yet it had some familiarity to it as well. I just don't know how though." Taehyung began to scratch his chin.
"I agree, something did taste different, but it was still good."
"Well, it probably doesn't matter, she'll be dead at some point right?" Taehyung ask as he prepares to play the piano once more.
"Y-yeah..." I say hesitantly. I get up from the chair and walked towards the window. Taehyung began to play once more. I stare down and see that Namjoon was taking Y/N to the garden. 'Heh, she's in for a real treat.' I think to myself. 'That reminds me, I should check out some of the flowers in the greenhouse.' I leave Taehyung to his music and make my way towards one of the gardens side entrances. Though it may not have been the most gorgeous of entrances, it was the fastest way to the greenhouse. The green house was filled with bright vibrant plants with its very own aqueduct system. I went to check on some of our more exotic plants to see if they had started to bloom.

The first thing I see is our jade vine, which has grown very rapidly, which makes me happy considering that they may not be around for much longer. The damn humans keep deforesting and care nothing for the beauty that they are taking away. I walk over to find that not many of the sea holly's are blooming. It's probably because of where the we had them placed. The last one I checked on was the cuphea llavea, also known as the bat face cuphea. What's ironic is that I don't really like this flower, it looks weird, and reminds me of the what I really am.

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