"Haven't thought about it?!" Han exclaimed in disbelief.

"Well it's not really that I haven't thought about it. I think about it everyday. It's just after everything I've just been taking it one day at a time and she hasn't hinted at anything yet."

Han laughed. "That's the thing. Apparently they hint all the time; we're just to dumb to notice."

"I don't know. . ."

"Luke, of course she wants to marry you! The girl's inlove with you for heavens sake! "

Luke blushed. He wasn't used to talking about the subject so openly. "I-"

"You're inlove with her too right?" Han asked.

"Well yes, but-" "But what? It seems pretty cut and dry to me. You both love each other, you've been best friends for years, and you both want the same things in life. What else do you need to know?"

He knew Han was right. He sighed heavily as his brother-in-law continued.

"It's time to pop the question, kid."

"I know. You're right. I-I need to."

"Then what's stoppin' you? I thought I was the one who was supposed to be afraid of gettin' hitched."

Luke chuckled. "I'm not-I-I guess I'm just. . . Jedi marriages haven't exactly been successful in the past." He explained. "Actually there's never been a successful one."

Han frowned. "This again? Luke, I thought you were done with all that."

The Jedi nodded. "I am! I am. There's just still that slight fear that our marriage won't be any different. Especially with my own family's history."

"Well, let me tell ya somethin', kid. You and Raina are different from any other couple I have ever seen. Ever. You have something. And it's very special. If you let it slip through your fingers. . .it'll be the biggest mistake of your life."

Luke took Han's words to heart. After taking of moment to soak it in, he nodded. "You're right. I don't know what's wrong with me." He said.
"Okay. It's settled. When I get back. . .I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna propose." Luke smiled widely.

Han mirrored his brother-in-law's smile and patted his shoulder. "That's great, kid! Wait till Leia hears about this. She'll be over the moon!"

Luke breathed a laugh, but then his mind went to his sister. He wondered if she would tell Han when they got back.

"Kid? What is it?" Han asked.

He looked up quickly and shook his head. "Nothing. Nothing, Han."

Han eyes became curious.

You know, ever since last week, anytime I bring up Leia you get this look in your eye. Like. . .you know something, I don't. Something you don't want to tell me."

Luke quietly scolded himself. As a Jedi he was supposed to be able to hide his emotion better than that.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. C'mon. We should go see what Lando and Chewie are up to." He began, as he stood.

Han forcefully pulled him back down into the seat. "Not so fast, kid. C'mon. What's up?"

"Han I really can't-" Luke began, but was interrupted by Han.

"Can't what? Tell me? Okay. Fine if you won't tell me then I guess I'll just have to figure it out." He shook his head stood, followed by Han. "I don't need to be a Jedi to figure this out. Whatever it is it's obviously about Leia. And it's something you aren't supposed to tell me." He started deducing.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now