23. Craig Can't Think Straight

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"I don't want this! I have a knife!"

"Take it! This is only half the supplies we nagged, Butters is out taking care of the rest. Which means that you are taking this." Kenny shoved the ax into my arms, my hands trembling as they gripped the wooden handle. We had run into him just as we were leaving the classroom, his arms completely stuffed with a bunch of weapons and bags, although the bags looked like they had already been raided of all their content. Kenny already had cuts all over from hauling all of the weaponry, the supplies nearly spilling onto the floor.

"What should I do with the knife Cr—" I stopped myself. If I wanted to stop seeming so pitiful and helpless, then I needed to stop relying on Craig for everything. I made this silent vow to myself, knowing full well the second something remotely startling happens, I will scream and Craig will say something along the lines of deep breaths, honey, I gotcha. Why did I do this? Make promises to myself that I know I won't be able to keep?

"Here, I can take it in my free hand. There's no way my shotgun will be useful right now, so I'll take what I can get." Stan held out his hand to me, waiting for the weapon. I reluctantly gave it to him, adjusting to the weight of the new, heavier blade. Great, now I had a huge ax that I could hurt people with. I couldn't wield something like this? Hell, I probably couldn't have wielded the little steak knife I had before.

"I want my chainsaw." Kyle growled. He seemed pretty upset about going from chained to the classroom floor to thrown over Stan's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Kyle liked to be active, to participate, and now he was rendered completely helpless. Still, he had thrown up a third time on our way here, so Craig wasn't gonna let him fight.

"And he's delirious, great!" Stan muttered, dodging Kyle's kicks that kept coming crazy close to Stan's face.

"No, I just want to be prepared, and the chainsaw is mi— ugg..." Kyle groaned before spitting up on the floor a bit.

"Shut up." Craig ordered, wrinkling his nose at the interesting smells coming from Kyle. We hadn't gotten the chance to clean him off yet.

"Okay, fine."

"Kenny, get these supplies to anyone who seems like they are gonna fight for us. Mash zombies into the ground, injure or scare sixth graders, and if you can find Cartman, kick his ass and lock him in a room somewhere until we get full control of this place. That is what Wendy is trying to do, right? Storm the building, take it over?"

Kenny huffed, throwing a backpack at both me and Craig to help lighten his load. Craig nonchalantly threw the straps over his shoulders while I got my arms caught in the cords and straps.
"Yeah, that's the plan. I mean, wasn't that what you were trying to do too?"

"Um..." I saw Craig's face flush, if only for a moment, and his eyes flickered to me before looking back at Kenny. The truth dawned on me. The only reason Craig had even come here, the only reason why he ended up getting captured in the first place... it was all for me. "Yeah, that was pretty much what we were planning, it just kinda backfired." He lied. I felt my cheeks grow warm too, but I wasn't as good at hiding it. Craig had gone through all of this just for me?

"I'm sorry, I shoulda beat the crap outta him when I found him, but all I did was threaten him and get the key. I guess I was just so focused on getting back to Kyle... I had him right in front of me!" Stan sighed.

Craig gripped his bat, looking pretty happy to have it back. It must have been his dad's bat because Craig hates baseball, and the bat was way too big for a kid. Although it looked pretty intimidating by itself, Craig had wrapped barbed wire and chains around the fat part, making it that much more lethal-looking. "That's okay." He said. "Sometimes it's hard to think straight with all this crazy stuff going on."

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