Important things that you should read before the fan fic

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I did not create this AU! I'm not sure who did, but kudos to you cuz its pretty cool.

I don't own the characters. Those belong to Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

If by any chance someone is actually reading this stuff and thinking "man I wanna read the next chapter" I will be working on it, trust me! There just might be some time in between. (No longer than a week max though, don't worry!) Also, if you're reading this and thinking "man, when is such and such character gonna show up!" they will, you might just have to wait. (also, if there's a side character that you really wanna see, just ask me about it, and I can add them)

I don't own any of the fan art!

Okay, regarding ships... I'm gonna ship whatever I want, which includes Style and Creek so far (although I do like Bunny, I can't lie, that ship is crazy adorable)

Has cursing here and there, but honestly, if you watch south park, you're fine

I like writing from first person, but the POV might change, so check the photo for each Chapter/section. Whoever is in the photo is who I'll be writing from. (Ex the first chapter has a picture of Craig as it's chapter photo. Therefore, you will know that whatever is in that chapter will be told from Craig's POV)  However.... I do make it clear in each chapter who's POV it's being told from, and I do recommend reading the chapter without looking at the picture, only checking when you reach the halfway mark ( about 500 words) and still have no clue who's POV it is

ages. I know that the actual au has the boys being, like 16. I don't like this a whole lot, so in this story, I am kinda writing them as if they were 11 or 12, maybe 13. I dunno, I just like it better that way.

Oh yeah, hopefully this will go without saying, but any derogatory phrases or words I use towards different groups are purely the characters speaking, not me. I don't want to upset anyone, so I suppose this can stand as a warning of sorts? There's not an overwhelming amount of negative speech in that regard, but I still wanted to be clear on that.

There are 44 content chapters, the stuff after that is just fun facts and such about the story.

I know that there is some profile fan art picture that I use, but don't let them fool you. Although they are very good drawings, my version of the Au may be slightly different than theirs. However, sometimes I will stick to what is in the au, so it just depends. (Ex. Stan and Craig both keep their weapons from the au, and Craig has braces like in the drawings, but Kenny doesn't wear his Mysterion costume, and the boys are not 16)

I try my best with grammar and spelling

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